Create a discrete-time LTI system object
Defines a discrete-time LTI system that is:
- control-free and disturbance-free, or
- controlled but disturbance-free, or
- perturbed (stochastic/uncertain) but control-free, or
- controlled and perturbed (stochastic/uncertain).
Perturbation can be either:
- a bounded uncertainity with no stochastic information
- a RandomVector object
% Define a double integrator system:
T = 0.5;
sys = LtiSystem('StateMatrix', [1, T; 0, 1], ...
'InputMatrix', [T^2/2;T], ...
'InputSpace', Polyhedron('lb', -1, 'ub', 1), ...
'DisturbanceMatrix', [T^2/2;T], ...
'Disturbance', Polyhedron('lb', -1, 'ub', 1));
LTISYSTEM Properties:
state_matrix - State matrix (Square matrix, state_dim x state_dim)
input_matrix - Input matrix (Matrix, state_dim x input_dim)
input_space - Input space (empty / Polyhedron)
dist_matrix - Disturbance matrix (Matrix, state_dim x dist_dim)
dist - Disturbance object
(empty / Polyhedron / RandomVector)
state_dim - State dimension (scalar)
input_dim - Input dimension (scalar)
dist_dim - Disturbance dimension (scalar)
LtiSystem/LtiSystem - Constructor
getConcatInputSpace - Get concatenated input space
getConcatMats - Get concatenated state, input, and disturbance
* EXTERNAL DEPENDENCY: Uses MPT3 to define input,robust disturbance space
This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
License for the use of this function is given in
Reference page in Doc Center
doc LtiSystem
Create a discrete-time LTI system object
Defines a discrete-time LTI system that is:
- control-free and disturbance-free, or
- controlled but disturbance-free, or
- perturbed (stochastic/uncertain) but control-free, or
- controlled and perturbed (stochastic/uncertain).
Perturbation can be either:
- a bounded uncertainity with no stochastic information
- a RandomVector object
% Define a double integrator system:
T = 0.5;
sys = LtiSystem('StateMatrix', [1, T; 0, 1], ...
'InputMatrix', [T^2/2;T], ...
'InputSpace', Polyhedron('lb', -1, 'ub', 1), ...
'DisturbanceMatrix', [T^2/2;T], ...
'Disturbance', Polyhedron('lb', -1, 'ub', 1));
LTISYSTEM Properties:
state_matrix - State matrix (Square matrix, state_dim x state_dim)
input_matrix - Input matrix (Matrix, state_dim x input_dim)
input_space - Input space (empty / Polyhedron)
dist_matrix - Disturbance matrix (Matrix, state_dim x dist_dim)
dist - Disturbance object
(empty / Polyhedron / RandomVector)
state_dim - State dimension (scalar)
input_dim - Input dimension (scalar)
dist_dim - Disturbance dimension (scalar)
LtiSystem/LtiSystem - Constructor
getConcatInputSpace - Get concatenated input space
getConcatMats - Get concatenated state, input, and disturbance
* EXTERNAL DEPENDENCY: Uses MPT3 to define input,robust disturbance space
This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
License for the use of this function is given in
Reference page in Doc Center
doc LtiSystem
Get half space representation of the concatenated (polytopic) input space
for the given time horizon
Computes the input_space^{time_horizon} corresponding to a given set, which
is the set of admissible open-loop control polices. This function computes the
half-space representation of the cartesian products of polytopic input spaces.
% Compute the (matrix form) set of admissible open-loop control policies given
% a LtvSystem and a time horizon
sys = LtvSystem(...
'StateMatrix', eye(2), ...
'InputMatrix', ones(2,1), ...
'InputSpace', Polyhedron('lb', -umax, 'ub', umax));
time_horizon = 10;
[concat_input_space_A, concat_input_space_b] = ...
getConcatInputSpace(sys, ...
[concat_input_space_A, concat_input_space_b] =...
getConcatInputSpace(sys, ...
sys - An object of LtvSystem class
time_horizon - Time horizon
concat_input_space_A, concat_input_space_b
- Concatenated input space (Halfspace representation)
This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
License for the use of this function is given in
Help for LtiSystem/getConcatInputSpace is inherited from superclass LTVSYSTEM
Get concatenated matrices
Computes the matrices corresponding to the concatentated state vector X.
Consider a LtvSystem object with n as the state_dim, m as the
input_dim, and p as the disturbance_dim. Given a time of
interest N, we define a concatenated state vector (a nN-dimensional vector)
__ __
| x_1 |
| x_2 |
X = | ... |
| x_{N-1} |
| x_{N} |
--- ---
where x_t is the state of the system with 1 <= t <= N. Similarly, one can
define concated input and noise vectors U and W (mN-dimensional and
pN-dimensional vectors),
__ __ __ __
| u_0 | | w_0 |
| u_1 | | w_1 |
U = | ... |, W = | ... |
| u_{N-2} | | w_{N-2} |
| u_{N-1} | | w_{N-1} |
--- --- --- ---
Given the initial state x_0, we have
X = Z * x_0 + H * U + G * W
where Z (nN x n matrix), H (nN x mN matrix), and G (nN x
pN matrix) are appropriate matrices. These matrices (with minor
modifications noted below) are given in (3) in
J. Skaf and S. Boyd, "Design of Affine Controllers via Convex
Optimization", in IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 2010.
This function computes Z, H, and G.
% Compute the concatenated matrices for a double integrator with a time of
% interest, 10
% Problem parameters
time_horizon = 10;
T = 0.25;
umax = 0.75;
dmax = 0.1;
% Double integrator system
sys = LtvSystem(...
'StateMatrix', [1, T; 0, 1], ...
'InputMatrix', [T^2; T], ...
'InputSpace', Polyhedron('lb', -umax, 'ub', umax), ...
'DisturbanceMatrix', eye(2), ...
'Disturbance', Polyhedron('lb', -dmax *ones(2,1), 'ub', dmax *ones(2,1)));
% Get the concatenated matrices
[Z,H,G] = getConcatMats(sys, time_horizon);
[Z,H,G] = getConcatMats(sys, time_horizon)
sys - An object of LtvSystem class
time_horizon - Time horizon (N) with the control provided from 0 to N-1
Z - Concatenated state matrix
H - Concatenated input matrix
G - Concatenated disturbance matrix
* For control-free and/or disturbance-free LTI/LTV systems, H and G are set to
zeros( sys.state_dim * time_horizon, 1) as appropriate.
* Deviation from Skaf and Boyd's definition,
* Concatenated state is X=[x_1 x_2 ... x_{N}], with the initial state
x_0 EXCLUDED in contrast to Skaf and Boyd's TAC 2010 definitions.
* Computes the extended controllability matrix via for loops. (suboptimal way)
* This function also serves as a delegatee for input handling
This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
License for the use of this function is given in
Help for LtiSystem/getConcatMats is inherited from superclass LTVSYSTEM