
  Create a random vector object
  Defines a random vector. We currently support:
  1. Gaussian    : Characterized by its mean vector and covariance matrix
  2. UserDefined : Characterized by a random number generator
  % Define a Gaussian random variable of mean 0 and standard deviation 2:
  GaussianRV = RandomVector('Gaussian', 0, 2^2);
  % Define a Gaussian random vector of mean [0;2] and covariance matrix 
  % eye(2):
  GaussianRV = RandomVector('Gaussian', [0;2], eye(2));
  % OR
  GaussianRV = RandomVector.gaussian([0;2], eye(2));
  % Define a beta-distributed 3-dimensional random vector with parameters
  % A=B=10
  BetaRV = RandomVector('UserDefined', @(N) betarnd(10,10,[3 N]));
  RandomVector Properties:
    type       - Random vector type (string)
    parameters - Random vector parameters (struct)
                    Stores mean and covariance for Gaussian random vector
    dim        - Random vector dimension (scalar)
    generator  - Random variable realization generator function (function 
                 handle); should take single numeric input and return an 
                 n x p matrix---where n is the dimension of the random vector
                 and p is the number of realizations (input value)
  RandomVector Methods:
    RandomVector/RandomVector - Class constructor
    mean                      - Get the mean of random vector. If the mean is
                                not defined then an empirical mean is computed
                                using n_particle realizations [Default: 1e4]
    cov                       - Get the covariance of random vector. If the 
                                mean is not defined, then an empirical mean is 
                                computed using n_particle realizations. 
                                [Default: 1e4]
    pdf                       - Get the probability density function as an
                                anonymous function, defined only for Gaussian RV
    concat                    - Get the concatenated RV for a given time horizon
    getRealizations           - Generate realizations of the random vector
    getProbPolyhedron         - Get the probability of the random vector
                                lying in a user-specified polyhedron (MPT
    gaussian                  - Get a Gaussian random vector for a
                                specified mean vector and covariance matrix
    exponential               - Get an exponential random vector for a
                                specified lambda vector
    Apart from these methods, for a RandomVector object rv, you can do:
    disp(rv)                  - Display information about rv
    F*rv, rv*F                - Both work as F x rv (NO TRANSPOSE enforced)
                                where F is an appropriately dimensioned matrix
    rv + v                    - Add v, a deterministic vector of appropriate
                                dimension, to rv
    [rv1;rv2;rv3]             - Concatenate multiple random vectors
  * MATLAB DEPENDENCY: Uses MATLAB's Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox.
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in

    Reference page in Doc Center
       doc RandomVector


  Create a random vector object
  Defines a random vector. We currently support:
  1. Gaussian    : Characterized by its mean vector and covariance matrix
  2. UserDefined : Characterized by a random number generator
  % Define a Gaussian random variable of mean 0 and standard deviation 2:
  GaussianRV = RandomVector('Gaussian', 0, 2^2);
  % Define a Gaussian random vector of mean [0;2] and covariance matrix 
  % eye(2):
  GaussianRV = RandomVector('Gaussian', [0;2], eye(2));
  % OR
  GaussianRV = RandomVector.gaussian([0;2], eye(2));
  % Define a beta-distributed 3-dimensional random vector with parameters
  % A=B=10
  BetaRV = RandomVector('UserDefined', @(N) betarnd(10,10,[3 N]));
  RandomVector Properties:
    type       - Random vector type (string)
    parameters - Random vector parameters (struct)
                    Stores mean and covariance for Gaussian random vector
    dim        - Random vector dimension (scalar)
    generator  - Random variable realization generator function (function 
                 handle); should take single numeric input and return an 
                 n x p matrix---where n is the dimension of the random vector
                 and p is the number of realizations (input value)
  RandomVector Methods:
    RandomVector/RandomVector - Class constructor
    mean                      - Get the mean of random vector. If the mean is
                                not defined then an empirical mean is computed
                                using n_particle realizations [Default: 1e4]
    cov                       - Get the covariance of random vector. If the 
                                mean is not defined, then an empirical mean is 
                                computed using n_particle realizations. 
                                [Default: 1e4]
    pdf                       - Get the probability density function as an
                                anonymous function, defined only for Gaussian RV
    concat                    - Get the concatenated RV for a given time horizon
    getRealizations           - Generate realizations of the random vector
    getProbPolyhedron         - Get the probability of the random vector
                                lying in a user-specified polyhedron (MPT
    gaussian                  - Get a Gaussian random vector for a
                                specified mean vector and covariance matrix
    exponential               - Get an exponential random vector for a
                                specified lambda vector
    Apart from these methods, for a RandomVector object rv, you can do:
    disp(rv)                  - Display information about rv
    F*rv, rv*F                - Both work as F x rv (NO TRANSPOSE enforced)
                                where F is an appropriately dimensioned matrix
    rv + v                    - Add v, a deterministic vector of appropriate
                                dimension, to rv
    [rv1;rv2;rv3]             - Concatenate multiple random vectors
  * MATLAB DEPENDENCY: Uses MATLAB's Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox.
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in

    Reference page in Doc Center
       doc RandomVector

Property: type

  String indicator of type of random vector
  Acceptable types:

Property: parameters

  Struct containing random vector parameter information; will vary for
  different random vector types. Currently only Gaussian random vector
  are supported.
  Gaussian type:
    parameters.mean       - Mean vector (p x 1)
    parameters.covariance - Covariance matrix (p x p)

Property: dim

  Dimension of the random vector

Property: generator

  Function to generate instances of the random variable

Method: concat

  Create a concatenated random vector of length time_horizon
    obj           - RandomVector object (typically disturbance w_k)
    repeat_times  - The number of time steps of interest N
    newobj        - RandomVector object (for disturbance, it can be used 
                    as W = [w_0^\top w_1^\top ... w_{N-1}^\top])
  * We make the independent and identical assumption to obtain the
    concatenated random vector
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in

Method: vertcat

  Vertical concatentation routine
    obj             - A collection of RandomVector objects
    newobj          - A RandomVector object that is the vertical
                      concatenation of random vectors
  * This function requires the objects that are being concatenated
    be of same RandomVector.type.
  * If the concatenation of a deterministic vector dv is desired with
    a RandomVector object rv, please use the following affine
    transformation-based command:
    new_rv = [dv; zeros(rv.dim,1)] + [zeros(length(dv), rv.dim);
                                      eye(rv.dim) ] * rv;
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in

Method: getProbPolyhedron

  Compute the probability of a random vector lying in a polyhedron 
  The probability computation is done via Monte-Carlo (quasi Monte-Carlo 
  in Gaussian case), which is a guaranteed underapproximation (with a 
  probabilistic guarantee). The guarantee in the general case comes
  via Hoeffding's inequality, and, in the Gaussian case, via the 
  confidence interval.
  General case: A distribution-independent lower bound on the number
  of particles needed is obtained via Hoeffding's inequality.
  For \beta = exp(-2 * n_particles * \delta^2), Hoeffding's inequality 
  states that
                Prob{X - E[X] \geq \delta} \leq \beta, 
  where, X is the empirical average of a collection of n_particles 
  random variables bounded between [0,1], E[X] is the true mean, \delta 
  is the desired_accuracy, \beta is the failure risk (the probability of 
  the statement "X - E[X] \geq \delta" fails. 
  In this function, we set the bounded random variables to be Bernoulli 
  random variables that is 1 when a realization of the random vector 
  is within the given test_polyhedron, and 0 otherwise.
  Consequently, E[X] simplifies to the probability of the
  realization to lie in the polyhedron. 
  Given a failure risk \beta and desired accuracy \delta, we backcompute 
  the number of particles as the following
                n_particles = -ln(\beta) / (2 * delta^2) 
  This enforces the condition that empirical probability estimate X does 
  not overapproximate the true probability E[X] by more than delta.
  Gaussian case: We use Genz's algorithm to estimate the
  probability. We increase the number of particles in the powers of
  10, till error estimate is within the desired tolerance.
  In both of the cases, to remain conservative in our estimate, we 
  subtract the desired_accuracy from the emperical probability estimate.
  In other words, we use the lower bound of the confidence interval.
  Thus, the probability estimate is guaranteed to be an
    obj             - RandomVector object
    test_polyhedron - Polyhedron object (polytope whose probability of
                      occurrence is of interest)
    desired_accuracy- [Optional] Maximum absolute deviation from the
                      true probability estimate [Default: 1e-2]
    covar           - Probability of the random vector lying in the
                      given polytope
  * Due to the inverse-square dependence on the desired_accuracy, we
    impose a hard lower bound of 1e-2 on the desired_accuracy. This
    leads to the requirement of 2e5 particles.
  * We set the default failure risk as 2e-15.
  * Ill-formed (mean/cov has Inf/NaN) Gaussian random vectors return
    zero probability.
  * We compute the floor of the probability value based on the
    desired_accuracy to obtain a preferable lower bound on the
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in

Method: cov

  Convenience method for accessing the covariance of a random vector
    obj         - RandomVector object
    n_particles - [Optional] Number of particles to use in sample 
                  covariance estimation [Default: 1e6]
    covar       - Covariance of random vector
  * For Random Vectors of type 'Gaussian', we return the exact
    covariance matrix
  * For Random Vectors of type 'UserDefined', we return MATLAB's
    estimated covariance matrix obtained from n_particles samples
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in

Method: mean

  Convenience method for accessing the (sample) mean of a random vector
    obj         - RandomVector object
    n_particles - [Optional] Number of particles to use in sample 
                  mean estimation [Default: 1e6]
    m           - Mean of random vector
  * For Random Vectors of type 'Gaussian', we return the exact mean
  * For Random Vectors of type 'UserDefined', we return MATLAB's
    estimated mean obtained from n_particles samples
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in

Method: pdf

  Get the pdf of a random vector
    obj - RandomVector object
    pdf - Probability density function (anonymous function handle)
  * This code is not tested
  * Only Random Vectors of type 'Gaussian' currently have a pdf.
  * Other random vector types will throw an error
  * The anonymous function used for the definition of obj.pdf transposes 
    the accepted column vector for using mvnpdf.
  * RandomVector.pdf takes in arguments of the form N_points x
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in

Method: getRealizations

  Generate n_realizations realizations of the random vector
    obj            - RandomVector object (typically disturbance w_k)
    n_realizations - Number of realizations desired
    xs             - Realizations matrix of dimension 
                     obj.dim x n_realizations. Each realization is given 
                     as a column vector.
  * In case of Gaussian random vectors, mvnrnd is used
  * In case of UserDefined random vectors, the user-provided
    generator is used
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in

Method: plus

  Override of MATLAB plus command
    obj - RandomVector object
    v   - Deterministic vector to be added to the random vector OR
          a RandomVector object
    newobj - RandomVector object (obj + v)
  * While this function updates the generator for a UserDefined random
    vector, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to redefine the random vector
    separately with an updated generator function to avoid nested
    generator functions
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in

Method: mtimes

  Override of MATLAB multiplication command
    obj - RandomVector object
    F   - Linear transformation matrix for multiplication
    newobj - RandomVector object (F*obj)
  * While this function updates the generator for a UserDefined random
    vector, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to redefine the random vector
    separately with an updated generator function to avoid nested
    generator functions
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in

Method: horzcat

  Horizontal concatenation prevention routine!
  * This function just throws an error since horizontal
    concatenation produces random matrix!
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in

Method: uniform

RandomVector.uniform is a function.
    rv = uniform(lb, ub)

Method: gaussian

  Convenience method for creating Gaussian random vectors
    mu     - Gaussian mean vector (column vector)
    covar  - Gaussian covariance matrix (square matrix)
    rv     - RandomVector object
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in

Method: exponential

  Convenience method for creating exponential random vectors
  Static method used to conveniently create n-dimensional exponential
  random vectors. Vectors are generated using MATLAB's exprnd function.
    mu  - Exponential mean | Must be a column vector
    rv - RandomVector object
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in