
  Creates an ellipsoid (x - c)^T Q^{-1} (x-c) <= 1
  Create an ellipsoid object defined by the equation
    E = { x \in R^{n} : (x - c)^{T} Q^{-1} (x - c) <= 1 }
  These ellipsoid objects are often used when creating bounded disturbances
  for the SReachSet Lagrangian methods when using Gaussian disturbances
  % Create unit ellipsoid
  sre = SReachEllipsoid([0;0], eye(2));
  SReachEllipsoid Properties:
    center                          - Center of the ellipsoid (c)
    shape_matrix                    - Shape matrix of the ellipsoid Q
    dim                             - Dimension of the ellipsoid
  SReachEllipsoid Methods:
    SReachEllipsoid/SReachEllipsoid - Constructor
    support                         - Support function of the ellipsoid
    contains                        - Checks if a point (column vector) or a
                                      collection of points (matrix of column
                                      vectors) is within the ellipsoid
  Apart from these methods, the following commands work
    disp                            - Displays critical info about the ellipsoid
    F * ell | ell * F               - Multiplication of ellipsoid by a n x dim -
                                      dimensional matrix or a scalar F
    F + ell | ell + F | ell + poly  - Add a deterministic vector/scalar to an
                                      ellipsoid | Overapproximate the Minkowski
                                      sum of a polyhedron with ellipsoid
  * The ellipsoid can be full-dimensional (Q non-singular) or be a 
    lower-dimensional ellipsoid embedded in a high dimensional space (Q 
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in

    Reference page in Doc Center
       doc SReachEllipsoid


  Creates an ellipsoid (x - c)^T Q^{-1} (x-c) <= 1
  Create an ellipsoid object defined by the equation
    E = { x \in R^{n} : (x - c)^{T} Q^{-1} (x - c) <= 1 }
  These ellipsoid objects are often used when creating bounded disturbances
  for the SReachSet Lagrangian methods when using Gaussian disturbances
  % Create unit ellipsoid
  sre = SReachEllipsoid([0;0], eye(2));
  SReachEllipsoid Properties:
    center                          - Center of the ellipsoid (c)
    shape_matrix                    - Shape matrix of the ellipsoid Q
    dim                             - Dimension of the ellipsoid
  SReachEllipsoid Methods:
    SReachEllipsoid/SReachEllipsoid - Constructor
    support                         - Support function of the ellipsoid
    contains                        - Checks if a point (column vector) or a
                                      collection of points (matrix of column
                                      vectors) is within the ellipsoid
  Apart from these methods, the following commands work
    disp                            - Displays critical info about the ellipsoid
    F * ell | ell * F               - Multiplication of ellipsoid by a n x dim -
                                      dimensional matrix or a scalar F
    F + ell | ell + F | ell + poly  - Add a deterministic vector/scalar to an
                                      ellipsoid | Overapproximate the Minkowski
                                      sum of a polyhedron with ellipsoid
  * The ellipsoid can be full-dimensional (Q non-singular) or be a 
    lower-dimensional ellipsoid embedded in a high dimensional space (Q 
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in

    Reference page in Doc Center
       doc SReachEllipsoid

Property: center

  Column vector indicating the center of the ellipsoid

Property: shape_matrix

  Shape matrix for the ellipsoid

Property: dim

  Dimension of the ellipsoid dimension

Method: contains

  Checks if a point (column vector) or a collection of points (matrix of
  column vectors) is within the ellipsoid
    obj         - Ellipsoid object
    test_points - Point (column vector) or a N collection of points
                  (matrix of column vectors) is within the ellipsoid
    newobj      - Boolean vector Nx1 that describe the containment
  * Requires CVX for vectorized norm.
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in

Method: plus

  Override of MATLAB plus command
    obj - Ellipsoid object
    v   - Deterministic vector to be added to the random vector OR
          a Polytope object
    newobj - Ellipsoid obj (obj + v) for deterministic vector/scalar v
             Polyhedron obj (obj \oplus v) for polytopic v (overapprox)
  * For a polytopic v, newobj is an (Polyhedron overapproximation of the
    minkowski sum, computed via sampling the support function.
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in

Method: mtimes

  Override of MATLAB multiplication command
    obj - SReachEllipsoid object
    F   - Linear transformation matrix for multiplication
    newobj - SReachEllipsoid object (F*obj)
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in

Method: support

  Support function of the ellipsoid object
    l   - A query column vector or a collection of query vectors stacked 
          as columns
    val - max_{y \in ellipsoid} l'*y
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in