
  Custom exception object for SReachTools invalid arguments errors
  Customized class for generating SReachTools runtime errors, subclass 
  of the standard SrtBaseException class
  exc = SrtRuntimeError('error message')
  See also MException
    This function is part of the Stochastic Optimal Control Toolbox.
    License for the use of this function is given in

    Reference page in Doc Center
       doc SrtRuntimeError


  Custom exception object for SReachTools invalid arguments errors
  Customized class for generating SReachTools runtime errors, subclass 
  of the standard SrtBaseException class
  exc = SrtRuntimeError('error message')
  See also MException
    This function is part of the Stochastic Optimal Control Toolbox.
    License for the use of this function is given in

    Reference page in Doc Center
       doc SrtRuntimeError

Method: withFunctionName

  Throw invalid args and provide function name that received the 
  invalid call
  Method to preformat error strings to throw to the user the specific
  function that was used when passing the invalid args error. Will 
  display message:
        Invalid arguments provided to << function name >>

Method: getErrorId

SrtRuntimeError.getErrorId is a function.
    id = getErrorId()