Solve the problem of stochastic reachability of a target tube (a lower bound
  on the maximal reach probability and an open-loop controller synthesis) using
  Genz's algorithm and MATLAB's patternsearch (a nonlinear, derivative-free,
  constrained optimization solver)
  SReachPointGpO implements the Fourier transform-based underapproximation to
  the stochastic reachability of a target tube problem. The original problem was
  formulated (for the simpler problem of terminal hitting-time stochastic
  reach-avoid problem) in
  A. Vinod and M. Oishi, "Scalable Underapproximation for Stochastic
  Reach-Avoid Problem for High-Dimensional LTI Systems using Fourier
  Transforms," in IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS), 2017.
     High-level desc.   : Maximize the multivariate Gaussian integral over a
                          polytope, evaluated using Genz's algorithm, and
                          optimize the nonlinear (log-concave) problem using
                          MATLAB's patternsearch
     Approximation      : Approximate upto a user-specified tolerance
     Controller type    : Open-loop controller that satisfies the hard input
     Optimality         : Optimal open-loop controller for the
                          underapproximation problem due to convexity guarantees
   [approx_stoch_reach, opt_input_vec] = SReachPointGpO(sys, initial_state, ...
       safety_tube, options)
    sys          - System description (LtvSystem/LtiSystem object)
    initial_state- Initial state for which the maximal reach probability must be
                   evaluated (A numeric vector of dimension sys.state_dim)
    safety_tube  - Collection of (potentially time-varying) safe sets that
                   define the safe states (Tube object)
    options      - Collection of user-specified options for 'genzps-open'
                   (Matlab struct created using SReachPointOptions)
                - Approximation of the stochastic reachability of a target tube
                  problem | Returns -1 if patternsearch fails (exitflag < 1)
                - Open-loop controller: column vector of dimension
                  (sys.input_dim*N) x 1
  See also SReachPoint.
  * We recommend using this function through SReachPoint.
  * This function requires MATLAB's Global Optimization Toolbox for its
    nonlinear solver 'patternsearch'.
  * This function requires CVX to work, since it uses SReachPointCcO for
    initialization of MATLAB's 'patternsearch'.
  * This function uses Genz's algorithm (see in src/helperFunctions) instead of
    MATLAB's Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox's mvncdf to compute the
    integral of the Gaussian over a polytope.
  * See @LtiSystem/getConcatMats for more information about the notation used.
  * This code is also used internally by SReachSetGpO (stochastic reach set
    underapproximation via genzps-open method). There are a few adjustments done 
    for computational purposes:
    1. Using options.thresh, an inner min operation is used that is
       convexity-preserving. This is an attempt to ensure that the quasi
       Monte-Carlo simulation-driven optimization:
       - does report a safety probability that is above prob_thresh, and
       - does not spend too much time looking for global optimality, when a 
         certificate of exceeding a lower bound suffices. 
    2. After the optimization, the optimal value is reevaluated using a fresh
       set of particles for generality.
  * A probabilistic bound on the overapproximation error between the provided
    estimate and the true estimate may be found using Hoeffding's inequality.
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in