Compute the stochastic reach set corresponding to the stochastic reachability 
  problem of a target tube using convex chance-constraint optimization
  SReachSetCcO computes the open-loop controller-based underapproximative
  stochastic reach set to the problem of stochastic reachability of a target
  tube as discussed in
  A. Vinod and M. Oishi, "Scalable underapproximative verification of stochastic
  LTI systems using convexity and compactness," In Proc. Hybrid Syst.: Comput. &
  Ctrl., pages 1--10, 2018. HSCC 2018
  A. Vinod and M. Oishi, "Stochastic reachability of a target tube: Theory and
  computation," IEEE Transactions in Automatic Control, 2018 (submitted)
  [polytope, extra_info] = SReachSetCcO(method_str, sys, prob_thresh,...
    safety_tube, options)
    method_str  - Solution technique to be used. Must be 'chance-open'
    sys         - System description (LtvSystem/LtiSystem object)
    prob_thresh - Probability threshold at which the set is to be constructed
    safety_tube - Collection of (potentially time-varying) safe sets that
                  define the safe states (Tube object)
    options     - Collection of user-specified options for 'chance-open'. It is
                  a struct created using SReachSetOptions. See SReachSetOptions
                  for details on the available options.
    polytope   - Underapproximative polytope of dimension sys.state_dim which
                 underapproximates the stochastic reach set
    extra_info - A list of Matlab structs that comprises of auxillary
                 information from the set computation. It has three
                    1. extra_info_wmax,
                    2. extra_info_cheby, and
                    3. extra_info_mve. 
                 The individual structs contain the following information:
                    1. xmax - Initial state that has the maximum reach
                              probability to stay with the safety tube using an
                              open-loop controller (via the method in use)
                    2. Umax - Optimal open-loop policy ((sys.input_dim) *
                              time_horizon)-dimensional vector 
                              U = [u_0; u_1;...; u_N] (column vector) for xmax
                              (via the method in use)
                    3. xmax_reach_prob 
                            - Maximum attainable reach probability to
                              stay with the safety tube using an open-loop
                    4. opt_theta_i 
                            - Vector comprising of scaling factors along each
                              user-specified direction of interest
                    5. opt_input_vec_at_vertices 
                            - Optimal open-loop policy ((sys.input_dim) *
                              time_horizon)-dim.  vector U = [u_0; u_1; ...;
                              u_N] (column vector) for each vertex of the
                    6. opt_reach_prob_i
                            - Maximum attainable reach probability to stay with
                              the safety tube at the vertices of the polytope
                    7. vertices_underapprox_polytope
                            - Vertices of the polytope
                                xmax + opt_theta_i * options.set_of_dir_vecs
                 When the corresponding method is not invoked, the
                 structure is an empty set.
  * extra_info(1).xmax_reach_prob is the highest prob_thresh that may be given
    while obtaining a non-trivial underapproximation
  * We compute the set by ray-shooting algorithm that guarantees an
    underapproximation due to the compactness and convexity of the stochastic
    reach set. 
  * SReachSetCcO has the following approaches (specified via
    options.compute_style) for computing the origin of the rays (referred to as
    'max_safe_init' --- Choose the anchor within safe set at t=0 such that an
                        admissible open-loop controller exists which provides
                        maximum safety
    'cheby'         --- Choose the anchor which is the Chebyshev center of the
                        safe set at t=0, that also admits an open-loop 
                        stochastic reach probability, above the prescribed
                        probability threshold.
    'mve'           --- Choose the anchor which is the maximum volume inscribed
                        ellipsoid of the safe set at t=0 | This does not require
                        the safe set at t=0 to be full-dimensional | We also use
                        bisection to maximize the open-loop stochastic reach
                        probability, above the prescribed probability threshold.
                        This method also uses an affine translation of the
                        provided direction vectors based on the computed
  * SReachSetCcO also admits a options.compute_style = 'all' to perform the
    polytope computation from all of the above methods, and compute the convex
    hull of the union. This approach is also guaranteed to be an
    underapproximation, due to the convexity of the open-loop stochastic reach
    set.  However, this approach can result in much more number of direction
    vectors or vertices in the underapproximative polytope.
  * If init_safe_set_affine = Polyhedron(), then we interpret it as R^n
  * If set_of_dir_vecs is empty, then the maximum of the optimal safety
    probability is returned via extra_info.
  * See @LtiSystem/getConcatMats for more information about the
      notation used.
  This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
  License for the use of this function is given in