Create user-specifiable options for use with SReachSet()
SReachSetOptions creates a MATLAB struct that contains user-specifiable
options that may be used with SReachSet
options = SReachSetOptions(prob_str, method_str, varargin)
prob_str - String specifying the problem of interest. For each case, we
compute the optimal value function that maps initial states
to different maximal reach probabilities
1. 'term' : Stay within the safety_tube
method_str - Solution technique to be used; available techniques:
'chance-open', 'genzps-open', 'lag-under', 'lag-over'
varargin - Additional required options for each technique, specified as
Name-Value pairs. The additional required options are
specified below.
'chance-open' : Convex chance-constrained approach for an open-loop
controller synthesis
1. set_of_dir_vecs - [MUST HAVE/See notes] Set of direction
vectors shot outwards from the initial
state with maximum reach probability to
identify the vertices of the
underapproximative polytope for the
stochastic reach set
(sys.state_dim x n_dir)-dimensional matrix
2. init_safe_set_affine - Affine constraints (if any) on the initial
state. Must include any translate of the
affine hull of the set_of_dir_vecs
[Default: Polyhedron(), which is
interpreted as the entire R]
3. verbose - Verbosity of the implementation {0,1}
[Default 0]
0 - No output
1 - Outputs the direction vector being
analyzed and the method used to
obtain xmax under study (maximizing
the reach probability or the
Chebyshev centering)
[Default 0]
4. pwa_accuracy - Accuracy of the piecewise affine
overapproximation of the inverse of the
standard normal cumulative density
function [Default 1e-3]
5. compute_style - Approach used for obtaining the origin of
the rays (referred to as anchor)
[Default 'all']
- Choose the anchor such that the
corresponding open-loop controller
provides maximum safety
- Choose the anchor which is the
Chebyshev center of the safe set at
t=0, that also admits an open-loop
stochastic reach probability, above
the prescribed probability
threshold. This requires the
safe set at t=0 to be
- Choose the anchor which is the
maximum volume inscribed ellipsoid
of the safe set at t=0 | This does
not require the safe set at t=0 to
be full-dimensional | We also
use bisection to maximize the
open-loop stochastic reach
probability, above the prescribed
probability threshold | This method
also uses an affine translation of
the provided direction vectors based
on the computed ellipsoid.
- The underapproximative set is
computed via the convex hull of the
union of the polytopes obtained from
the methods above. This polytope
will have a maximum of 3x the
number of given direction vectors as
'genzps-open' : Genz's algorithm + Patternsearch
1. set_of_dir_vecs - [MUST HAVE/See notes] Set of direction
vectors shot outwards from the initial
state with maximum reach probability to
identify the vertices of the
underapproximative polytope for the
stochastic reach set
2. init_safe_set_affine - Affine constraints (if any) on
the initial state. Must include any
translate of the affine hull of the
[Default: Polyhedron(), which is
interpreted as the entire R]
3. verbose - Verbosity of the implementation {0,1}
0 - No output
1 - Outputs the direction vector being
analyzed, the summarized progress
made by the bisection used for line
4. tol_bisect - Tolerance for the bisection to terminate
the line search along a direction vector
for the vertex of the underapproximative
polytope [Default 1e-2]
5. desired_accuracy - Accuracy expected for the integral of the
Gaussian random vector X over the safety
tube => Accuracy of the result [Default
5e-2] | This value can't be smaller
than 1e-2
6. PSoptions - MATLAB struct from psoptimset(), options
for MATLAB's patternsearch
[Default psoptimset('Display', 'off')]
7. compute_style_ccc - Compute style option specification to use
for the function call
SReachSet('chance-open') for
initialization [Default: 'all'] | See
'compute_style' option in 'chance-open'
for more details
'lag-over'/'lag-under' : Lagrangian-based over- and underapproximation
1. bound_set_method - Method for obtaining the bounded set
for over or underapproximation. The
available methods are: 'polytope',
'ellipsoid', and 'load', some of which
requires additional arguments.
a. polytope - Scale a user-provided polytope to
satisfy the given probability
- template_polytope
: [MUST HAVE] Template polytope
which is scaled to get the
bounded set
- desired_accuracy
: Accuracy for
RandomVector/getProbPolyhedron | This
value can't be smaller than 1e-2
[Default 1e-2]
b. ellipsoid - Construct an ellipsoid to satify the
given probability constraint
c. load - Load a predefined polyhedron bounding
set; primarily used for comparison and
repeatability testing.
- load_str : [MUST HAVE] Path to the file to load.
All other inputs are IRRELEVANT for
this option. Mat files to be loaded
must have only contain the bounded set
(Polyhedron object).
2. verbose - Verbosity of the implementation
0 - No output
1 - Provides feedback on the progress
of the direction vector
2 - Provides timing information about
each step
3 - Provides plots of the intermediate
3. compute_style - Computation style for the
set-operation methods
a. 'vfmethod' - [DEFAULT] Use MPT3's Polyhedron
manipulations to implement the
set operations-based recursion. This
approach will fast in low dimensions,
it does not scale well with dimension
due to the vertex-facet enumeration.
b. 'support' - Use support functions and convex
optimization to perform the
- system : [MUST HAVE] LtvSystem/LtiSystem object
that is being analyzed
- n_vertices
: Number of vertices to use
[For lag-under] underapproximating
one-step backward reach set
[For lag-under] overapproximating
the stochastic reach set
- equi_dir_vecs
: [Auto-generated] Directions that
are used for overapproximation
4. vf_enum_method - Enumeration style to use for
vertex-facet enumeration. See notes
a. 'cdd' - [DEFAULT] Use MPT3's native polyhedral
operations, which in turn use CDDMEX
for vertex-facet enumeration.
b. 'lrs' - Use GeoCalcLib (a MATLAB bridge to
McGill's LRS C code base) for
vertex-facet enumeration
options - Collection of user-specified options
(Matlab struct created using SReachSetOptions)
See also SReachSet.
* Requires set_of_dir_vecs for the methods 'chance-open' and 'genzps-open'.
- If set_of_dir_vecs is not provided, then the maximum of the optimal
safety probability is returned via extra_info
* Requires load_str for the method lag-under with bound_set_method 'load'
* Requires template_polytope for the method lag-under with
bound_set_method 'polytope'
- The template polytope must contain the origin
* compute_style governs the computation style used to implement the Lagrangian
technique for over and under approximation.
- By default, the compute_style is 'vfmethod'. This approach will fast
in low dimensions, it does not scale well with dimension due to the
vertex-facet enumeration. It implements the recursion using the native
operations available via MPT3.
- Alternatively, the compute_style 'support' uses support function to
implement the Lagrangian approximations.
* Since polytopes are obtained by sampling the support function, we
require vectors that are equally spaced apart in the required
Euclidean space.
- In SReachSetOptions, these vectors are stored in the field
- They are auto-generated by the options difference-of-convex
* Requires system for the computation of these vectors.
* For lag-over, this computation style is recursion-free.
- Utilizes the support function available as a simple LP
- Requires equally spaced vectors in R^(sys.state_dim), obtained
via difference-of-convex programming.
- Computes an affine transformation of these vectors for
meaningful overapproximation. A maximum volume ellipsoid
approximately inscribed within the polytope is computed using
scenario-based robust convex programming.
- Returns a tight overapproximation of the overapproximation
polytope by sampling this support function.
* For lag-under, this computation style is `vfmethod guided by
support functions` to reduce some of the computational overhead
associated with `vfmethod`.
- The polytopes are always expressed in the half-space form with
the Minowksi sum computed by projecting the higher dimensional
polytope constructed in state_space x input_space into the
- The half-space form of the high dimension polytope is sampled
to obtain the vertex form of an underapproximate polytope,
which after projection, is converted back into its half-space
* While specifying n_vertices, use the formula
2^{n_dim} points_per_quad + 2 * n_dim
to obtain a spread of points where each quadrant has `points_per_quad`
and the standard axis are also included.
- For lag-under, n_dim is sys.state_dim + sys.input_dim
- For lag-over, n_dim is sys.state_dim
* Vertex-facet enumeration is a computationally hard problem. SReachTools
currently support two popular techniques for addressing the same:
1. CDDMEX - MPT's preferred approach for vertex-facet enumeration
* Requires no additional installation steps
* Known to provide incorrect results or fail completely in some
* See following websites for more information:
2. LRS - Avis's LRS with MATLAB interface provided Rainer's GeoCalcLib
* Requires few additional installation steps
* Worked more reliably than CDDMEX
* See following websites for more information:
* While 'Gaussian' disturbance can have options.bound_set_method be 'polytope'
or 'ellipsoid', 'UserDefined' disturbance requires options.bound_set_method
to be 'polytope'.
* In 'genzps-open', desired accuracy is the farthest lower bound on the
confidence interval acceptable. In order to remain conservative,
RandomVector/getProbPolyhedron subtracts desired_accuracy from the result to
yield an underapproximation. For higher desired_accuracy, the result may be
more conservative but faster. For lower desired_accuracy, the result may
take more time.
This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
License for the use of this function is given in