
  A MATLAB class to store/retrive the default parameters used in CWH dynamics
  with modifications, if any
  * This code and the parameters were obtained from Lesser's repeatability code
    for the 2013 CDC paper.
  * The default parameters (with their Names to specify changes) are:
        sampling_period : sampling period        = 20 s
        orbital_radius  : orbital radius         = 850 + 6378.1 m
        grav_constant   : gravitational constant = 6.673e-11
        celes_mass      : celestial body mass    = 5.9472e24 kg
        chief_mass      : chief mass             = 300 kg
  * Along with these parameters, the class provides these parameters that are
    computed using the above parameters
        grav_body       : gravitational body           = grav_constant *
                                                            celes_mass / 1e6
        orbit_ang_vel   : orbital angular velocity     = sqrt(grav_body /
        disc_orbit_dist : discretized orbital distance = orbit_ang_vel *
                                                            sampling_period rad
    This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
    License for the use of this function is given in

    Reference page in Doc Center
       doc CwhSystemParameters


  A MATLAB class to store/retrive the default parameters used in CWH dynamics
  with modifications, if any
  * This code and the parameters were obtained from Lesser's repeatability code
    for the 2013 CDC paper.
  * The default parameters (with their Names to specify changes) are:
        sampling_period : sampling period        = 20 s
        orbital_radius  : orbital radius         = 850 + 6378.1 m
        grav_constant   : gravitational constant = 6.673e-11
        celes_mass      : celestial body mass    = 5.9472e24 kg
        chief_mass      : chief mass             = 300 kg
  * Along with these parameters, the class provides these parameters that are
    computed using the above parameters
        grav_body       : gravitational body           = grav_constant *
                                                            celes_mass / 1e6
        orbit_ang_vel   : orbital angular velocity     = sqrt(grav_body /
        disc_orbit_dist : discretized orbital distance = orbit_ang_vel *
                                                            sampling_period rad
    This function is part of the Stochastic Reachability Toolbox.
    License for the use of this function is given in

    Reference page in Doc Center
       doc CwhSystemParameters

Property: sampling_period

  sampling period in sec
  Default value: 20

Property: orbital_radius

  Orbital radius in m
  Default value: 7228.1

Property: grav_constant

  Universal gravitational constant  
  Default value: 6.673e-11

Property: celes_mass

  Mass of the celestial body (default is Earth)
  Default value: 5.9472e24

Property: chief_mass

  Mass of the chief kg
  Default value: 300

Property: grav_body

  Gravitation constant for the pull of the celestial body 
  (default Earth)
  Set via the equation
    grav_body = grav_constant * celes_mass / 1000^3;

Property: orbit_ang_vel

  Angular velocity in the orbit
  Set via the equatoin
    orbit_ang_vel = sqrt(grav_body / orbital_radius^3);

Property: disc_orbit_dist

  Discretized orbital distance
  Set via the equation
     disc_orbit_dist = orbit_ang_vel * sampling_period;