
Controller synthesis using SReachPoint for a spacecraft rendezvous problem

This example will demonstrate the use of SReachTools for controller synthesis in a terminal hitting-time stochastic reach-avoid problem. We consider a continuous-state discrete-time linear time-invariant (LTI) system. This example script is part of the SReachTools toolbox, which is licensed under GPL v3 or (at your option) any later version. A copy of this license is given in

In this example script, we discuss how to use SReachPoint to synthesize open-loop controllers and affine-disturbance feedback controllers for the terminal hitting-time stochastic reach-avoid problem. We demonstrate the following solution techniques:

All computations were performed using MATLAB on an Ubuntu OS running on a laptop with Intel i7 CPU with 2.1GHz clock rate and 8 GB RAM. For sake of clarity, all commands were asked to be verbose (via `SReachPointOptions`). In practice, this can be turned off.

% Prescript running: Initializing srtinit, if it already hasn't been initialized
close all;clearvars;srtinit;

Problem formulation: Stochastic reachability of a target tube

Given an initial state $x_0$, a time horizon $N$, a linear system dynamics $x_{k+1} = A_k x_k + B_k u_k + F w_k$ for $k\in \{0,1,...,N-1\}$, and a target tube ${\{\mathcal{T}_k\}}_{k=0}^N$, we wish to design an admissible controller that maximizes the probability of the state staying with the target tube. This maximal reach probability, denoted by $V^\ast(x_0)$, is obtained by solving the following optimization problem

$$ V^\ast(x_0) = \max_{\overline{U}\in \mathcal{U}^N} P^{x_0,
\overline{U}}_{X} \{ \forall k, x_k \in \mathcal{T}_k\}.$$

Here, $\overline{U}$ refers to the control policy which satisfies the control bounds specified by the input space $\mathcal{U}$ over the entire time horizon $N$, $X= {[x_1\ x_2\ \ldots\ x_N]}^\top$ is the concatenated state vector, and the target tube is a sequence of sets ${\{\mathcal{T}_k\}}_{k=0}^N$. Here, $X$ is a random vector with probability measure $P^{x_0,\overline{U}}_X$ which is a parameterized by the initial state $x_0$ and policy $\overline{U}$.

In the general formulation requires $\overline{U}$ is given by a sequence of (potentially time-varying and nonlinear) state-feedback controllers. To compute such a policy, we have to resort to dynamic programming which suffers from the curse of dimensionality. See these papers for details Abate et. al, Automatica, 2008, Summers and Lygeros, Automatica, 2010, and Vinod and Oishi, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 2018 (submitted).

SReachPoint provides multiple ways to compute an underapproximation of $V^\ast(x_0)$ by restricting the search to the following controllers:

All of our approaches are grid-free resulting in highly scalable solutions, especially for Gaussian-perturbed linear systems.

In this example, we perform controller synthesis that maximizes the probability of a deputy spacecraft to rendezvous with a chief spacecraft while staying within a line-of-sight cone.

Dynamics model for the deputy relative to the chief spacecraft

We consider both the spacecrafts to be in the same circular orbit. The relative planar dynamics of the deputy with respect to the chief are described by the Clohessy-Wiltshire-Hill (CWH) equations,

$$\ddot{x} - 3 \omega x - 2 \omega \dot{y} = \frac{F_{x}}{m_{d}}$$

$$            \ddot{y} + 2 \omega \dot{x} = \frac{F_{y}}{m_{d}}$$

where the position of the deputy relative to the chief is $x,y \in \mathbf{R}$, $\omega = \sqrt{\frac{\mu}{R_{0}^{3}}}$ is the orbital frequency, $\mu$ is the gravitational constant, and $R_{0}$ is the orbital radius of the chief spacecraft. We define the state as $\overline{x} = {[x\ y\ \dot{x}\ \dot{y}]}^\top \in \mathbf{R}^{4}$ which is the position and velocity of the deputy relative to the chief along $\mathrm{x}$- and $\mathrm{y}$- axes, and the input as $\overline{u} = {[F_{x}\ F_{y}]}^\top \in \mathcal{U}\subset\mathbf{R}^{2}$.

We will discretize the CWH dynamics in time, via zero-order hold, to obtain the discrete-time linear time-invariant system and add a Gaussian disturbance to account for the modeling uncertainties and the disturbance forces,

$$\overline{x}_{k+1} = A \overline{x}_{k} + B \overline{u}_{k} +

with $\overline{w}_{k} \in \mathbf{R}^{4}$ as an IID Gaussian zero-mean random process with a known covariance matrix $\Sigma_{\overline{w}}$.

umax = 0.1;
mean_disturbance = zeros(4,1);
covariance_disturbance = diag([1e-4, 1e-4, 5e-8, 5e-8]);
% Define the CWH (planar) dynamics of the deputy spacecraft relative to the
% chief spacecraft as a LtiSystem object
sys = getCwhLtiSystem(4, Polyhedron('lb', -umax*ones(2,1), ...
                                        'ub',  umax*ones(2,1)), ...
       RandomVector('Gaussian', mean_disturbance,covariance_disturbance));

Target tube definition

We define the target tube to be a collection of time-varying boxes $\{\mathcal{T}_k\}_{k=0}^N$ where $N$ is the time horizon.

In this problem, we define $\mathcal{T}_k$ to be line-of-sight cone originating from origin (location of the chief spacecraft) for $k\in\{0,1,\ldots,N-1\}$ and the terminal target set $\mathcal{T}_N$ as a box around the origin. This special sequence of target sets allows us to impose a reach-avoid specification of safety.

time_horizon = 5;   % Stay within a line of sight cone for 4 time steps and
                    % reach the target at t=5% Safe Set --- LoS cone
% Safe set definition --- LoS cone |x|<=y and y\in[0,ymax] and |vx|<=vxmax and
% |vy|<=vymax
ymax = 2;
vxmax = 0.5;
vymax = 0.5;
A_safe_set = [1, 1, 0, 0;
             -1, 1, 0, 0;
              0, -1, 0, 0;
              0, 0, 1,0;
              0, 0,-1,0;
              0, 0, 0,1;
              0, 0, 0,-1];
b_safe_set = [0;
safe_set = Polyhedron(A_safe_set, b_safe_set);

% Target set --- Box [-0.1,0.1]x[-0.1,0]x[-0.01,0.01]x[-0.01,0.01]
target_set = Polyhedron('lb', [-0.1; -0.1; -0.01; -0.01], ...
                        'ub', [0.1; 0; 0.01; 0.01]);
target_tube = Tube('reach-avoid',safe_set, target_set, time_horizon);

Specifying initial states and which options to run

chance_open_run = 1;
genzps_open_run = 1;
particle_open_run = 1;
voronoi_open_run = 1;
chance_affine_run = 1;
chance_affine_uni_run = 1;
% Initial state definition
initial_state = [-0.75;         % Initial x relative position
                 -0.75;         % Initial y relative position
                 0;             % Initial x relative velocity
                 0];            % Initial y relative velocity
slice_at_vx_vy = initial_state(3:4);
% Initial states for each of the method
init_state_chance_open = initial_state;
init_state_genzps_open = initial_state;
init_state_particle_open = initial_state;
init_state_voronoi_open = initial_state;
init_state_chance_affine = initial_state;
init_state_chance_affine_uni = initial_state;

Quantities needed to compute the optimal mean trajectory and Monte-Carlo sims

We first compute the dynamics of the concatenated state vector $X = Z x_0 + H U + G W$, and compute the concatentated random vector $W$ and its mean.

[Z,H,G] = sys.getConcatMats(time_horizon);
% Compute the mean trajectory of the concatenated disturbance vector
muW = sys.dist.concat(time_horizon).mean();
% Number of Monte-Carloo simulations to use: We will use a lower simulation
% count for the affine controllers so that its saturation will not take a lot of
% time
n_mcarlo_sims = 1e5;
n_mcarlo_sims_affine = 1e5;

SReachPoint: chance-open

This method is discussed in Vinod and Oishi, Conference in Decision and Control, 2019 (submitted). It was introduced for stochastic reachability in Lesser et. al., Conference on Decision and Control, 2013.

This approach implements the chance-constrained approach to compute an optimal open-loop controller. It uses risk allocation and piecewise-affine overapproximation of the inverse normal cumulative density function to formulate a linear program for this purpose. Naturally, this is one of the fastest ways to compute an open-loop controller and an underapproximative probabilistic guarantee of safety. However, due to the use of Boole's inequality for risk allocation, it provides a conservative estimate of safety using the open-loop controller.

if chance_open_run
    fprintf('\n\nSReachPoint with chance-open\n');
    % Set the maximum piecewise-affine overapproximation error to 1e-3
    ccO_opts = SReachPointOptions('term', 'chance-open','pwa_accuracy',1e-3);
    [prob_chance_open, opt_input_vec_chance_open] = SReachPoint('term', ...
        'chance-open', sys, init_state_chance_open, target_tube, ccO_opts);
    elapsed_time_chance_open = toc;
    if prob_chance_open
        % Optimal mean trajectory construction
        % mean_X = Z * x_0 + H * U + G * \mu_W
        opt_mean_X_chance_open = Z * init_state_chance_open + ...
            H * opt_input_vec_chance_open + G * muW;
        opt_mean_traj_chance_open = reshape(opt_mean_X_chance_open, ...
        % Check via Monte-Carlo simulation
        concat_state_realization_ccc = generateMonteCarloSims(n_mcarlo_sims, ...
            sys, init_state_chance_open, time_horizon,...
        mcarlo_result = target_tube.contains(concat_state_realization_ccc);
        simulated_prob_chance_open = sum(mcarlo_result)/n_mcarlo_sims;
        simulated_prob_chance_open = NaN;
    fprintf('SReachPoint underapprox. prob: %1.2f | Simulated prob: %1.2f\n',...
        prob_chance_open, simulated_prob_chance_open);
    fprintf('Computation time (s): %1.3f\n', elapsed_time_chance_open);

SReachPoint with chance-open
SReachPoint underapprox. prob: 0.87 | Simulated prob: 0.87
Computation time (s): 0.381

SReachPoint: genzps-open

This method is discussed in Vinod and Oishi, Control System Society- Letters, 2017.

This approach implements the Fourier transform-based approach to compute an optimal open-loop controller. It uses Genz's algorithm to compute the probability of safety and optimizes the joint chance constraint involved in maximizing this probability. To handle the noisy behaviour of the Genz's algorithm, we rely on MATLAB's patternsearch for the nonlinear optimization. Internally, we use the chance-open to initialize the nonlinear solver. Hence, this approach will return an open-loop controller with safety at least as good as chance-open.

if genzps_open_run
    fprintf('\n\nSReachPoint with genzps-open\n');
    genzps_opts = SReachPointOptions('term', 'genzps-open', ...
        'PSoptions',psoptimset('display','iter'), 'desired_accuracy', 5e-2);
    [prob_genzps_open, opt_input_vec_genzps_open] = SReachPoint('term', ...
        'genzps-open', sys, init_state_genzps_open, target_tube, genzps_opts);
    elapsed_time_genzps = toc;
    if prob_genzps_open > 0
        % Optimal mean trajectory construction
        % mean_X = Z * x_0 + H * U + G * \mu_W
        opt_mean_X_genzps_open =  Z * init_state_genzps_open + ...
            H * opt_input_vec_genzps_open + G * muW;
        opt_mean_traj_genzps_open= reshape(opt_mean_X_genzps_open, ...
        % Check via Monte-Carlo simulation
        concat_state_realization_genz = generateMonteCarloSims(n_mcarlo_sims,...
            sys, init_state_genzps_open, time_horizon,...
        mcarlo_result = target_tube.contains(concat_state_realization_genz);
        simulated_prob_genzps_open = sum(mcarlo_result)/n_mcarlo_sims;
        simulated_prob_genzps_open = NaN;
    fprintf('SReachPoint underapprox. prob: %1.2f | Simulated prob: %1.2f\n',...
        prob_genzps_open, simulated_prob_genzps_open);
    fprintf('Computation time (s): %1.3f\n', elapsed_time_genzps);

SReachPoint with genzps-open

Iter     Func-count       f(x)      MeshSize     Method
    0           1       0.162519             1      
    1           1       0.162519           0.5     Refine Mesh
    2           1       0.162519          0.25     Refine Mesh
    3           1       0.162519         0.125     Refine Mesh
    4           9       0.162519        0.0625     Refine Mesh
    5          22       0.162519       0.03125     Refine Mesh
    6          35       0.162519       0.01562     Refine Mesh
    7          48       0.162519      0.007812     Refine Mesh
    8          61       0.162519      0.003906     Refine Mesh
    9          74       0.162519      0.001953     Refine Mesh
   10          87       0.162519     0.0009766     Refine Mesh
   11         107       0.162519     0.0004883     Refine Mesh
   12         127       0.162519     0.0002441     Refine Mesh
   13         147       0.162519     0.0001221     Refine Mesh
   14         167       0.162519     6.104e-05     Refine Mesh
   15         187       0.162519     3.052e-05     Refine Mesh
   16         207       0.162519     1.526e-05     Refine Mesh
   17         227       0.162519     7.629e-06     Refine Mesh
   18         247       0.162519     3.815e-06     Refine Mesh
   19         267       0.162519     1.907e-06     Refine Mesh
   20         287       0.162519     9.537e-07     Refine Mesh
Optimization terminated: mesh size less than options.MeshTolerance.
SReachPoint underapprox. prob: 0.85 | Simulated prob: 0.87
Computation time (s): 14.864

SReachPoint: particle-open

This method is discussed in Lesser et. al., Conference on Decision and Control, 2013.

This approach implements the particle control approach to compute an open-loop controller. It is a sampling-based technique and hence the resulting probability estimate is random with its variance going to zero as the number of samples considered goes to infinity. Note that since a mixed-integer linear program is solved underneath with the number of binary variables corresponding to the number of particles, using too many particles can cause an exponential increase in computational time.

if particle_open_run
    fprintf('\n\nSReachPoint with particle-open\n');
    paO_opts = SReachPointOptions('term','particle-open','verbose', 1,...
    [prob_particle_open, opt_input_vec_particle_open] = SReachPoint('term', ...
        'particle-open', sys, init_state_particle_open, target_tube, paO_opts);
    elapsed_time_particle = toc;
    if prob_particle_open > 0
        % Optimal mean trajectory construction
        % mean_X = Z * x_0 + H * U + G * \mu_W
        opt_mean_X_particle_open =  Z * init_state_particle_open + ...
            H * opt_input_vec_particle_open + G * muW;
        opt_mean_traj_particle_open =...
            reshape(opt_mean_X_particle_open, sys.state_dim,[]);
        % Check via Monte-Carlo simulation
        concat_state_realization_pa = generateMonteCarloSims(n_mcarlo_sims, ...
            sys, init_state_particle_open,time_horizon,...
        mcarlo_result = target_tube.contains(concat_state_realization_pa);
        simulated_prob_particle_open = sum(mcarlo_result)/n_mcarlo_sims;
        simulated_prob_particle_open = NaN;
    fprintf('SReachPoint approx. prob: %1.2f | Simulated prob: %1.2f\n',...
        prob_particle_open, simulated_prob_particle_open);
    fprintf('Computation time (s): %1.3f\n', elapsed_time_particle);

SReachPoint with particle-open
Required number of particles: 50
Creating random variable realizations....Done
Setting up CVX problem....Done
Parsing and solving the MILP....Done
SReachPoint approx. prob: 0.94 | Simulated prob: 0.85
Computation time (s): 1.139

SReachPoint: voronoi-open

This method is discussed in Sartipizadeh, et. al., American Control Conference, 2019 (submitted)

This approach implements the undersampled particle control approach to compute an open-loop controller. It computes, using k-means, a representative sample realization of the disturbance which is significantly smaller. This drastically improves the computational efficiency of the particle control approach. Further, because it uses Hoeffding's inequality, the user can specify an upper-bound on the overapproximation error. The undersampled probability estimate is used to create a lower bound of the solution corresponding to the original particle control problem with appropriate (typically large) number of particles. Thus, this has all the benefits of the particle-open option, with additional benefits of being able to specify a maximum overapproximation error as well being computationally tractable.

if voronoi_open_run
    fprintf('\n\nSReachPoint with voronoi-open\n');
    voO_opts = SReachPointOptions('term','voronoi-open','verbose',1,...
        'max_overapprox_err', 1e-2);
    [prob_voronoi_open, opt_input_vec_voronoi_open, kmeans_info_open] = ...
        SReachPoint('term', 'voronoi-open', sys, init_state_voronoi_open,...
            target_tube, voO_opts);
    elapsed_time_voronoi = toc;
    if prob_voronoi_open > 0
        % Optimal mean trajectory construction
        % mean_X = Z * x_0 + H * U + G * \mu_W
        opt_mean_X_voronoi_open =  Z * init_state_voronoi_open + ...
            H * opt_input_vec_voronoi_open + G * muW;
        opt_mean_traj_voronoi_open =...
            reshape(opt_mean_X_voronoi_open, sys.state_dim,[]);
        % Check via Monte-Carlo simulation
        concat_state_realization_vo = generateMonteCarloSims(n_mcarlo_sims, ...
            sys, init_state_voronoi_open,time_horizon,...
        mcarlo_result = target_tube.contains(concat_state_realization_vo);
        simulated_prob_voronoi_open = sum(mcarlo_result)/n_mcarlo_sims;
        simulated_prob_voronoi_open = NaN;
    fprintf('SReachPoint approx. prob: %1.2f | Simulated prob: %1.2f\n',...
        prob_voronoi_open, simulated_prob_voronoi_open);
    fprintf('Computation time (s): %1.3f\n', elapsed_time_voronoi);

SReachPoint with voronoi-open
Required number of particles: 4.6052e+04 | Samples used:  30
Creating random variable realizations....Done
Using k-means for undersampling....Done
Setting up CVX problem....Done
Parsing and solving the MILP....Done
Undersampled probability (with 30 particles): 0.451
Underapproximation to the original MILP (with 46052 particles): 0.842
SReachPoint approx. prob: 0.84 | Simulated prob: 0.85
Computation time (s): 3.695

SReachPoint: chance-affine

This method is discussed in Vinod and Oishi, Conference in Decision and Control, 2019 (submitted).

This approach implements the chance-constrained approach to compute a locally optimal affine disturbance feedback controller. In contrast to chance-open, this approach optimizes for an affine feedback gain for the concatenated disturbance vector as well as a bias. The resulting optimization problem is non-convex, and SReachTools formulates a difference-of-convex program to solve this optimization problem to a local optimum. Since affine disturbance feedback controllers can not satisfy hard control bounds, we relax the control bounds to be probabilistically violated with at most a probability of 0.01. After obtaining the affine feedback controller, we compute a lower bound to the maximal reach probability in the event saturation is applied to satisfy the hard control bounds. Due to its incorporation of state-feedback, this approach typically permits the construction of the highest underapproximative probability guarantee.

if chance_affine_run
    fprintf('\n\nSReachPoint with chance-affine\n');
    ccA_opts = SReachPointOptions('term', 'chance-affine',...
        'max_input_viol_prob', 1e-2, 'verbose', 1);
    [prob_chance_affine, opt_input_vec_chance_affine,...
        opt_input_gain_chance_affine] = SReachPoint('term', 'chance-affine',...
            sys, init_state_chance_affine, target_tube, ccA_opts);
    elapsed_time_chance_affine = toc;
    fprintf('Computation time (s): %1.3f\n', elapsed_time_chance_affine);
    if prob_chance_affine > 0
        % mean_X = Z * x_0 + H * (M \mu_W + d) + G * \mu_W
        opt_mean_X_chance_affine = Z * init_state_chance_affine +...
            H * opt_input_vec_chance_affine + ...
            (H * opt_input_gain_chance_affine + G) * muW;
        % Optimal mean trajectory construction
        opt_mean_traj_chance_affine = reshape(opt_mean_X_chance_affine, ...
        % Check via Monte-Carlo simulation
        concat_state_realization_cca = generateMonteCarloSims(...
            n_mcarlo_sims_affine, sys, init_state_chance_affine, ...
            time_horizon, opt_input_vec_chance_affine,...
            opt_input_gain_chance_affine, 1);
        mcarlo_result = target_tube.contains(concat_state_realization_cca);
        simulated_prob_chance_affine = sum(mcarlo_result)/n_mcarlo_sims_affine;
        simulated_prob_chance_affine = NaN;
    fprintf('SReachPoint underapprox. prob: %1.2f | Simulated prob: %1.2f\n',...
        prob_chance_affine, simulated_prob_chance_affine);

SReachPoint with chance-affine
Computation time (s): 15.865
Getting 100000 realizations...Done
Computing the reach probability associated with the given controller via 1.00e+05 Monte-Carlo simulation
Affine disturbance feedback controller will be saturated to the input space via projection
Using Polyhedron/contains to identify realizations that require saturation...Done
Input constraint violation probability: 0.0018
We need to saturate 181 realizations. We will provide progress in 5 quantiles.
Completed saturating    36/  181 input realizations
Completed saturating    72/  181 input realizations
Completed saturating   108/  181 input realizations
Completed saturating   144/  181 input realizations
Completed saturating   180/  181 input realizations
SReachPoint underapprox. prob: 1.00 | Simulated prob: 1.00

SReachPoint: chance-affine-uni

This method is adapted from Vitus and Tomlin, Conference in Decision and Control, 2011.

This approach implements the chance-constrained approach to compute a locally optimal affine disturbance feedback controller. In contrast to chance-open, this approach optimizes for an affine feedback gain for the concatenated disturbance vector as well as a bias. The resulting optimization problem is non-convex. In contrast to chance-affine, risk allocation is assumed to be uniform. A bisection is performed at over possible risk allocations. The bisection is guided by the feasibility of the resulting second-order cone program, which can be solved efficiently. This solution converges to a local optimum. It is faster than chance-affine, but can fail in some cases. Since affine disturbance feedback controllers can not satisfy hard control bounds, we relax the control bounds to be probabilistically violated with at most a probability of 0.01. After obtaining the affine feedback controller, we compute a lower bound to the maximal reach probability in the event saturation is applied to satisfy the hard control bounds. Due to its incorporation of state-feedback, this approach typically permits the construction of the highest underapproximative probability guarantee.

if chance_affine_uni_run
    fprintf('\n\nSReachPoint with chance-affine-uni\n');
    ccAu_opts = SReachPointOptions('term', 'chance-affine-uni',...
        'max_input_viol_prob', 1e-2, 'verbose', 1);
    [prob_chance_affine_uni, opt_input_vec_chance_affine_uni,...
        opt_input_gain_chance_affine_uni] = SReachPoint('term', ...
            'chance-affine-uni', sys, init_state_chance_affine_uni, ...
            target_tube, ccAu_opts);
    elapsed_time_chance_affine_uni = toc;
    fprintf('Computation time (s): %1.3f\n', elapsed_time_chance_affine_uni);
    if prob_chance_affine_uni > 0
        % mean_X = Z * x_0 + H * (M \mu_W + d) + G * \mu_W
        opt_mean_X_chance_affine_uni = Z * init_state_chance_affine_uni +...
            H * opt_input_vec_chance_affine_uni + ...
            (H * opt_input_gain_chance_affine_uni + G) * muW;
        % Optimal mean trajectory construction
        opt_mean_traj_chance_affine_uni = reshape( ...
            opt_mean_X_chance_affine_uni, sys.state_dim,[]);
        % Check via Monte-Carlo simulation
        concat_state_realization_cca_uni = generateMonteCarloSims(...
            n_mcarlo_sims_affine, sys, init_state_chance_affine_uni, ...
            time_horizon, opt_input_vec_chance_affine_uni,...
            opt_input_gain_chance_affine_uni, 1);
        mcarlo_result = target_tube.contains(concat_state_realization_cca_uni);
        simulated_prob_chance_affine_uni = ...
        simulated_prob_chance_affine_uni = NaN;
    fprintf('SReachPoint underapprox. prob: %1.2f | Simulated prob: %1.2f\n',...
        prob_chance_affine_uni, simulated_prob_chance_affine_uni);

SReachPoint with chance-affine-uni
Safety prob: 0.500, Input viol: 0.005 | CVX status: Solved
Safety prob: 0.750, Input viol: 0.005 | CVX status: Solved
Safety prob: 0.875, Input viol: 0.005 | CVX status: Solved
Safety prob: 0.938, Input viol: 0.005 | CVX status: Solved
Safety prob: 0.969, Input viol: 0.005 | CVX status: Solved
Safety prob: 0.984, Input viol: 0.005 | CVX status: Solved
Safety prob: 0.992, Input viol: 0.005 | CVX status: Solved
Safety prob: 0.996, Input viol: 0.005 | CVX status: Solved
Safety prob: 0.998, Input viol: 0.005 | CVX status: Solved
Safety prob: 0.999, Input viol: 0.005 | CVX status: Solved
Computation time (s): 2.125
Getting 100000 realizations...Done
Computing the reach probability associated with the given controller via 1.00e+05 Monte-Carlo simulation
Affine disturbance feedback controller will be saturated to the input space via projection
Using Polyhedron/contains to identify realizations that require saturation...Done
Input constraint violation probability: 0.0001
We need to saturate 12 realizations. We will provide progress in 5 quantiles.
Completed saturating     2/   12 input realizations
Completed saturating     4/   12 input realizations
Completed saturating     6/   12 input realizations
Completed saturating     8/   12 input realizations
Completed saturating    10/   12 input realizations
Completed saturating    12/   12 input realizations
SReachPoint underapprox. prob: 1.00 | Simulated prob: 1.00

Summary of results

For ease of comparison, we list the probability estimates, the Monte-Carlo simulation validations, and the computation times once again. We also plot the mean trajectories.

dims_to_consider = [1,2];
hold on;
h_safe_set = plot(safe_set.slice([3,4], slice_at_vx_vy), 'color', 'y');
h_target_set = plot(target_set.slice([3,4], slice_at_vx_vy), 'color', 'g');
h_init_state = scatter(initial_state(1),initial_state(2),200,'k^');
legend_cell = {'Safe set','Target set','Initial state'};
axis equal
h_vec = [h_safe_set, h_target_set, h_init_state];
% Plot the optimal mean trajectory from the vertex under study
if chance_open_run && prob_chance_open > 0
    h_opt_mean_ccc = scatter(...
          [init_state_chance_open(1), opt_mean_traj_chance_open(1,:)], ...
          [init_state_chance_open(2), opt_mean_traj_chance_open(2,:)], ...
          30, 'bo', 'filled','DisplayName', 'Mean trajectory (chance-open)');
    legend_cell{end+1} = 'Mean trajectory (chance-open)';
    h_vec(end+1) = h_opt_mean_ccc;
        concat_state_realization_ccc(sys.state_dim+1:end,:), sys.state_dim,...
        dims_to_consider, {'b'});
    disp('>>> SReachPoint with chance-open')
    fprintf('SReachPoint underapprox. prob: %1.2f | Simulated prob: %1.2f\n',...
        prob_chance_open, simulated_prob_chance_open);
    fprintf('Computation time (s): %1.3f\n', elapsed_time_chance_open);
if genzps_open_run && prob_genzps_open > 0
    h_opt_mean_genzps = scatter(...
          [init_state_genzps_open(1), opt_mean_traj_genzps_open(1,:)], ...
          [init_state_genzps_open(2), opt_mean_traj_genzps_open(2,:)], ...
          50, 'kd','DisplayName', 'Mean trajectory (genzps-open)');
    legend_cell{end+1} = 'Mean trajectory (genzps-open)';
    h_vec(end+1) = h_opt_mean_genzps;
        concat_state_realization_genz(sys.state_dim+1:end,:), sys.state_dim,...
        dims_to_consider, {'k'});
    disp('>>> SReachPoint with genzps-open')
    fprintf('SReachPoint underapprox. prob: %1.2f | Simulated prob: %1.2f\n',...
        prob_genzps_open, simulated_prob_genzps_open);
    fprintf('Computation time (s): %1.3f\n', elapsed_time_genzps);
if particle_open_run && prob_particle_open > 0
    h_opt_mean_particle = scatter(...
          [init_state_particle_open(1), opt_mean_traj_particle_open(1,:)], ...
          [init_state_particle_open(2), opt_mean_traj_particle_open(2,:)], ...
          30, 'r^', 'filled','DisplayName', 'Mean trajectory (particle-open)');
    legend_cell{end+1} = 'Mean trajectory (particle-open)';
    h_vec(end+1) = h_opt_mean_particle;
        concat_state_realization_pa(sys.state_dim+1:end,:), sys.state_dim,...
        dims_to_consider, {'r'});
    disp('>>> SReachPoint with particle-open')
    fprintf('SReachPoint approx. prob: %1.2f | Simulated prob: %1.2f\n',...
        prob_particle_open, simulated_prob_particle_open);
    fprintf('Computation time (s): %1.3f\n', elapsed_time_particle);
if voronoi_open_run && prob_voronoi_open > 0
    h_opt_mean_voronoi = scatter(...
          [init_state_voronoi_open(1), opt_mean_traj_voronoi_open(1,:)], ...
          [init_state_voronoi_open(2), opt_mean_traj_voronoi_open(2,:)], ...
          30, 'cv', 'filled','DisplayName', 'Mean trajectory (voronoi-open)');
    legend_cell{end+1} = 'Mean trajectory (voronoi-open)';
    h_vec(end+1) = h_opt_mean_voronoi;
        concat_state_realization_vo(sys.state_dim+1:end,:), sys.state_dim,...
        dims_to_consider, {'c'});
    disp('>>> SReachPoint with voronoi-open')
    fprintf('SReachPoint approx. prob: %1.2f | Simulated prob: %1.2f\n',...
        prob_voronoi_open, simulated_prob_voronoi_open);
    fprintf('Computation time (s): %1.3f\n', elapsed_time_voronoi);
if chance_affine_run && prob_chance_affine > 0
    h_opt_mean_chance_affine = scatter(...
          [init_state_chance_affine(1), opt_mean_traj_chance_affine(1,:)], ...
          [init_state_chance_affine(2), opt_mean_traj_chance_affine(2,:)], ...
          30, 'ms', 'filled','DisplayName', 'Mean trajectory (chance-affine)');
    legend_cell{end+1} = 'Mean trajectory (chance-affine)';
    h_vec(end+1) = h_opt_mean_chance_affine;
        concat_state_realization_cca(sys.state_dim+1:end,:), sys.state_dim,...
        dims_to_consider, {'m'});
    disp('>>> SReachPoint with chance-affine')
    fprintf('SReachPoint underapprox. prob: %1.2f | Simulated prob: %1.2f\n',...
        prob_chance_affine, simulated_prob_chance_affine);
    fprintf('Computation time (s): %1.3f\n', elapsed_time_chance_affine);
if chance_affine_uni_run && prob_chance_affine_uni > 0
    h_opt_mean_chance_affine_uni = scatter(...
          [init_state_chance_affine_uni(1), ...
           opt_mean_traj_chance_affine_uni(1,:)], ...
          [init_state_chance_affine_uni(2), ....
          opt_mean_traj_chance_affine_uni(2,:)], ...
          30, 'kd', 'filled','DisplayName', ...
          'Mean trajectory (chance-affine-uni)');
    legend_cell{end+1} = 'Mean trajectory (chance-affine-uni)';
    h_vec(end+1) = h_opt_mean_chance_affine_uni;
        concat_state_realization_cca_uni(sys.state_dim+1:end,:), ...
        sys.state_dim, dims_to_consider, {'k'});
    disp('>>> SReachPoint with chance-affine-uni')
    fprintf('SReachPoint underapprox. prob: %1.2f | Simulated prob: %1.2f\n',...
        prob_chance_affine_uni, simulated_prob_chance_affine_uni);
    fprintf('Computation time (s): %1.3f\n', elapsed_time_chance_affine_uni);
legend(h_vec, legend_cell, 'Location','EastOutside', 'interpreter','latex');
title(['Ellipsoids fit 100 random Monte-Carlo sims.']);
axis equal
box on;
grid on;
hf = gcf;
hf.Units = 'inches';
hf.Position = [0    0.4167   18.0000   10.0313];
>>> SReachPoint with chance-open
SReachPoint underapprox. prob: 0.87 | Simulated prob: 0.87
Computation time (s): 0.381
>>> SReachPoint with genzps-open
SReachPoint underapprox. prob: 0.85 | Simulated prob: 0.87
Computation time (s): 14.864
>>> SReachPoint with particle-open
SReachPoint approx. prob: 0.94 | Simulated prob: 0.85
Computation time (s): 1.139
>>> SReachPoint with voronoi-open
SReachPoint approx. prob: 0.84 | Simulated prob: 0.85
Computation time (s): 3.695
>>> SReachPoint with chance-affine
SReachPoint underapprox. prob: 1.00 | Simulated prob: 1.00
Computation time (s): 15.865
>>> SReachPoint with chance-affine-uni
SReachPoint underapprox. prob: 1.00 | Simulated prob: 1.00
Computation time (s): 2.125