
Double Integrator Reach-Avoid Via Dynamic Programming

This example will demonstrate the use of SReachTools to solve a terminal-hitting time stochastic reach-avoid problem using dynamic programming. We consider a stochastic continuous-state discrete-time linear time-invariant (LTI) system. This example script is part of the SReachTools toolbox, which is licensed under GPL v3 or (at your option) any later version. A copy of this license is given in

In this example, we analyze the following problems via dynamic programming for a stochastic system with known dynamics:

  1. stochastic viability problem: Compute a controller to stay within a safe set with maximum likelihood
  2. the terminal-hitting time stochastic reach-avoid problem: Compute a controller that maximizes the probability of reaching a target set at a time horizon, N, while maintaining the system in a set of safe states
  3. stochastic reachability of a moving target tube: Compute a controller that maximizes the probability of staying within a target tube (a collection of time-varying safe sets)

SReachTools has a dynamic programing implementation that can analyze systems upto three dimensions. For efficient implementation, we require the input set to be an axis-aligned hypercuboid, and define the grid the smallest hypercuboid containing all the target sets.

% Prescript running: Initializing srtinit, if it already hasn't been initialized
close all;clearvars;srtinit;

Problem setup

In this example we use a discretized double integrator dynamics given by:

$$  x_{k+1} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc}    1 & T \\   0 & 1  \end{array}\right]
x_{k} + \left[\begin{array}{c}    \frac{T^{2}}{2} \\    T  \end{array}\right]
u_{k} + w_{k}$$

with state $x_k$, input $u_k$, disturbance $w_{k}$, and sampling time $T$.

The double integrator system can be used as a simple model of a vehicle on a lane.

  1. The state is position and velocity of the vehicle.
  2. The vehicle is acceleration-controlled with restrictions on the maximum and minimum acceleration provided
  3. The stochastic disturbance affects its position and velocity accounting for unmodelled phenomena like slipping or engine model mismatch.
% System definition
% -----------------
% discretization parameter
T = 0.1;

% define the system
sys = LtiSystem('StateMatrix', [1, T; 0, 1], ...
    'InputMatrix', [T^2/2; T], ...
    'InputSpace', Polyhedron('lb', -0.1, 'ub', 0.1), ...
    'DisturbanceMatrix', eye(2), ...
    'Disturbance', RandomVector('Gaussian', zeros(2,1), 0.01*eye(2)));

% Parameters for dynamic programming and visualization
% ----------------------------------------------------
% Step sizes for gridding
dyn_prog_xinc = 0.05;
dyn_prog_uinc = 0.1;

% Additionally, we need to specify thresholds of interest to compute the
% stochastic viability set
reach_set_thresholds = [0.2 0.5 0.9];

% For plotting purposes, we specify legend and axis limits
axis_vec = [-1 1 -1 1];
legend_str={'Safety tube at k=0', 'Safety Probability $\geq 0.2$', ...
    'Safety Probability $\geq 0.5$', 'Safety Probability $\geq 0.9$'};

Case 1: Stochastic viability problem

We are interested in assessing the safety of this double integrator system to stay within the safe set of $[-1,1]^2$.

For the vehicle in a lane example, we require controllers that maximize the probability of ensuring that the position stay within $[-1,1]$ and the velocity with $[-1,1]$ when the car at $k=0$ has some initial position and velocity in $[-1,1]^2$.

To perform this safety analysis, we need to do the following steps

  1. Provide parameters for dynamic programming like grid size and thresholds (if stochastic viability sets are of interest) [*Reused from above*]
  2. Construct the safety tube using 'viability' option (and plot it as well)
  3. Obtain the dynamic programming solution via SReachDynProg
  4. Obtain the stochastic viability sets at desired thresholds using getDynProgLevelSets2D
% Safety tube definition
% ----------------------
% time horizon
N = 5;
% The viability problem is equivalent to a stochastic reachability of a target
% tube of repeating safe sets
safe_set = Polyhedron('lb', [-1, -1], 'ub', [1, 1]);
safety_tube1 = Tube('viability', safe_set, N);

% Plotting of safety tube
% -----------------------
hold on
for time_indx = 0:N
    % Embed the 2-D safety sets in a 3-D space which is state-space x [0, N]
    safety_tube_at_time_indx = Polyhedron('H', ...
        [safety_tube1(time_indx+1).A, ...
            zeros(size(safety_tube1(time_indx+1).A,1),1), ...
            safety_tube1(time_indx+1).b], ...
        'He',[0 0 1 time_indx]);
    plot(safety_tube_at_time_indx, 'alpha',0.25);
axis([axis_vec 0 N])
box on;
grid on;
title('Safety tube');
% Dynamic programming recursion via gridding
% ------------------------------------------
[prob_x1, cell_of_xvec_x1] =  SReachDynProg('term', sys, dyn_prog_xinc, ...
    dyn_prog_uinc, safety_tube1);

% Plotting of the optimal value function
% --------------------------------------
% Visualization of the value function at k=0 (safety probability)
x1vec = cell_of_xvec_x1{1};
x2vec = cell_of_xvec_x1{2};
axis([axis_vec 0 1])
zlabel('Safety probability')
title('Optimal value function $V_{SR}^\ast(\cdot)$','interpreter','latex');
box on
view(45, 45)
Elapsed time is 18.495988 seconds.
% Obtain the stochastic viability sets
% ------------------------------------
poly_array1 = getDynProgLevelSets2D(cell_of_xvec_x1, prob_x1, ...
    reach_set_thresholds, safety_tube1);

% Plotting of the stochastic viability sets
% -----------------------------------------
% Visualization of the safe initial states --- Superlevel sets of safety
% probability
hold on;
plot([safety_tube1(1), poly_array1])
box on
axis equal
title('Stochastic viability sets $L_{SR}^\ast(\cdot)$','interpreter','latex');
Warning: MATLAB's contour matrix missed a corner!
Adding (1, -1) to polytope vertex list for level=0.20. 
Warning: MATLAB's contour matrix missed a corner!
Adding (-1, 1) to polytope vertex list for level=0.20. 

Case 2: Terminal hitting-time stochastic reach-avoid

Stochastic reach-avoid problems have a time-invariant safety set uptil time horizon (uptill $k=N-1$), and a different target set at time horizon $k=N$.

Specifically, we are interested in assessing the safety of this double integrator system to stay within the safe set of $[-1,1]^2$ for $4$ time steps and then reach $[-0.5,0.5]^2$. Here, the car at $k=0$ has some initial position and velocity in $[-1,1]^2$ as before.

To perform this safety analysis, we need to do the following steps

  1. Provide parameters for dynamic programming like grid size and thresholds (if stochastic reach-avoid sets are of interest) [*Reused from above*]
  2. Construct the safety tube using 'reach-avoid' option (and plot it as well)
  3. Obtain the dynamic programming solution via SReachDynProg
  4. Obtain the stochastic reach-avoid sets at desired thresholds using getDynProgLevelSets2D
% Safety tube definition
% ----------------------
% Safety tube is a generalization of the reach problem. The reach avoid
% safety-tube is created by setting the first $N$ sets in the tube as the
% |safe_set| and the final set as the |target_set|.
% time horizon
N = 5;
% The viability problem is equivalent to a stochastic reachability of a target
% tube of repeating safe sets
safe_set = Polyhedron('lb', [-1, -1], 'ub', [1, 1]);
target_set = Polyhedron('lb', [-0.5, -0.5], 'ub', [0.5, 0.5]);
safety_tube2 = Tube('reach-avoid', safe_set, target_set, N);

% Plotting of safety tube
% -----------------------
hold on
for time_indx = 0:N
    % Embed the 2-D safety sets in a 3-D space which is state-space x [0, N]
    safety_tube_at_time_indx = Polyhedron('H', ...
        [safety_tube2(time_indx+1).A, ...
            zeros(size(safety_tube2(time_indx+1).A,1),1), ...
            safety_tube2(time_indx+1).b], ...
        'He',[0 0 1 time_indx]);
    plot(safety_tube_at_time_indx, 'alpha',0.25);
axis([axis_vec 0 N])
box on;
grid on;
title('Safety tube');
% Dynamic programming recursion via gridding
% ------------------------------------------
[prob_x2, cell_of_xvec_x2] =  SReachDynProg('term', sys, dyn_prog_xinc, ...
    dyn_prog_uinc, safety_tube2);
% Plotting of the optimal value function
% --------------------------------------
% Visualization of the value function at k=0 (safety probability)
x1vec = cell_of_xvec_x2{1};
x2vec = cell_of_xvec_x2{2};
axis([axis_vec 0 N]);
zlabel('Safety probability')
box on
view(45, 45)
title('Optimal value function $V_{SR}^\ast(\cdot)$','interpreter','latex');
Elapsed time is 19.003879 seconds.
% Obtain the stochastic reach-avoid sets
% --------------------------------------
poly_array2 = getDynProgLevelSets2D(cell_of_xvec_x2, prob_x2, ...
    reach_set_thresholds, safety_tube2);

% Plotting of the stochastic reach-avoid sets
% -------------------------------------------
% Visualization of the safe initial states --- Superlevel sets of safety
% probability
hold on;
plot([safety_tube2(1) poly_array2])
box on
box on
axis equal
title('Stochastic reach-avoid sets $L_{SR}^\ast(\cdot)$','interpreter','latex');

Case 3: Time-varying safety sets (Stochastic reachability of a target tube)

Stochastic reachability of a target tube has time-varying safety sets.

To perform this safety analysis, we need to do the following steps

  1. Provide parameters for dynamic programming like grid size and thresholds (if stochastic reach sets are of interest) [*Reused from above*]
  2. Construct the safety tube by constructing at piecemeal (and plot it as well)
  3. Obtain the dynamic programming solution via SReachDynProg
  4. Obtain the stochastic reach sets at desired thresholds using getDynProgLevelSets2D
% Safety tube definition
% ----------------------
safety_tube3 = Tube(Polyhedron('lb', [-1, -1], 'ub', [1, 1]), ...
    Polyhedron('lb', [-0.5, -1], 'ub', [1, 0.5]), ...
    Polyhedron('lb', [-1, -1], 'ub', [0.5, 0.5]), ...
    Polyhedron('lb', [-1, -0.5], 'ub', [0.5, 1]), ...
    Polyhedron('lb', [-0.5, -0.5], 'ub', [1, 1]));
N = length(safety_tube3)-1;

% Plotting of safety tube
% -----------------------
hold on
for time_indx = 0:N
    % Embed the 2-D safety sets in a 3-D space which is state-space x [0, N]
    safety_tube_at_time_indx = Polyhedron('H', ...
        [safety_tube3(time_indx+1).A, ...
            zeros(size(safety_tube3(time_indx+1).A,1),1), ...
            safety_tube3(time_indx+1).b], ...
        'He',[0 0 1 time_indx]);
    plot(safety_tube_at_time_indx, 'alpha',0.25);
axis([axis_vec 0 N])
box on;
grid on;
title('Safety tube');
view([-25 60]);
% Dynamic programming recursion via gridding
% ------------------------------------------
[prob_x3, cell_of_xvec_x3] =  SReachDynProg('term', sys, dyn_prog_xinc, ...
    dyn_prog_uinc, safety_tube3);
% Plotting of the optimal value function
% --------------------------------------
% Visualization of the value function at k=0 (safety probability)
x1vec = cell_of_xvec_x3{1};
x2vec = cell_of_xvec_x3{2};
axis([axis_vec 0 N]);
zlabel('Safety probability')
box on
view(45, 45)
title('Optimal value function $V_{SR}^\ast(\cdot)$','interpreter','latex');
Elapsed time is 10.287044 seconds.
% Obtain the stochastic reach sets
% --------------------------------
poly_array3 = getDynProgLevelSets2D(cell_of_xvec_x3, prob_x3, ...
    reach_set_thresholds, safety_tube3);

% Plotting of the stochastic reach sets
% -------------------------------------
% Visualization of the safe initial states --- Superlevel sets of safety
% probability
hold on;
plot([safety_tube3(1) poly_array3])
box on
box on
axis equal
title('Stochastic reach sets $L_{SR}^\ast(\cdot)$','interpreter','latex');