
Controller synthesis using SReachSet for a Dubin's vehicle

This example will demonstrate the use of SReachTools for the problem of stochastic reachability of a target tube. We consider a continuous-state discrete-time linear time-varying (LTV) system. This example script is part of the SReachTools toolbox, which is licensed under GPL v3 or (at your option) any later version. A copy of this license is given in

Specifically, we will discuss how SReachTools can use convex chance constraints, and Lagrangian methods to construct underapproximative stochastic reach sets. Our approaches are grid-free and recursion-free, resulting in highly scalable solutions.

All computations were performed using MATLAB on an Ubuntu OS running on a laptop with Intel i7 CPU with 2.1GHz clock rate and 8 GB RAM. For sake of clarity, all commands were asked to be verbose (via `SReachSetOptions`). In practice, this can be turned off.

% Prescript running: Initializing srtinit, if it already hasn't been initialized
close all;clearvars;srtinit;

Problem formulation: Stochastic reachability of a target tube

Given an initial state $x_0$, a time horizon $N$, a linear system dynamics $x_{k+1} = A_k x_k + B_k u_k + F w_k$ for $k\in \{0,1,...,N-1\}$, and a target tube ${\{\mathcal{T}_k\}}_{k=0}^N$, we wish to design an admissible controller that maximizes the probability of the state staying with the target tube. This maximal reach probability, denoted by $V^\ast(x_0)$, is obtained by solving the following optimization problem

$$ V^\ast(x_0) = \max_{\overline{U}\in \mathcal{U}^N} P^{x_0,
               \overline{U}}_{X} \{ \forall k, x_k \in \mathcal{T}_k\}.$$

Here, $\overline{U}$ refers to the control policy which satisfies the control bounds specified by the input space $\mathcal{U}$ over the entire time horizon $N$, $X= {[x_1\ x_2\ \ldots\ x_N]}^\top$ is the concatenated state vector, and the target tube is a sequence of sets ${\{\mathcal{T}_k\}}_{k=0}^N$. Here, $X$ is a random vector with probability measure $P^{x_0,\overline{U}}_X$ which is a parameterized by the initial state $x_0$ and policy $\overline{U}$.

In the general formulation requires $\overline{U}$ is given by a sequence of (potentially time-varying and nonlinear) state-feedback controllers. To compute such a policy, we have to resort to dynamic programming which suffers from the curse of dimensionality. See these papers for details Abate et. al, Automatica, 2008, Summers and Lygeros, Automatica, 2010, and Vinod and Oishi, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 2018 (submitted).

Verification via SReachSet

These approaches utilizes the convexity and compactness guarantees of the stochastic reach set to the problem of stochastic reachability of a target tube as discussed in

  1. A. Vinod and M. Oishi, "Scalable underapproximative verification of stochastic LTI systems using convexity and compactness," In Proc. Hybrid Syst.: Comput. & Ctrl., pages 1--10, 2018. HSCC 2018.
  2. A. Vinod and M. Oishi, "Stochastic reachability of a target tube: Theory and computation," IEEE Transactions in Automatic Control, 2018 (submitted)

The three different approaches explored in this example are

  1. Chance-constrained open-loop-based verification (Linear program approach)
  2. Genz's algorithm+MATLAB's patternsearch+open-loop-based verification
  3. Lagrangian-based underapproximation

While the first two methods use ray-shooting and SReachPoint to compute a polytopic underapproximation, the third approach utilizes Lagrangian-based underapproximation as described in

In this example, we perform controller synthesis that maximizes the probability of a Dubin's vehicle to stay within a time-varying collection of target sets. We model the Dubin's vehicle with known turning rate sequence as a linear time-varying system.

Dubin's vehicle dynamics

We consider a Dubin's vehicle with known turning rate sequence $\overline{\omega} = {[\omega_0\ \omega_1\ \ldots\ \omega_{T-1}]}^\top \in R^T$, with additive Gaussian disturbance. Specifically, we consider $T=25$ and set the turning rate to $\omega_\mathrm{max}=\frac{\pi}{T_s T}$ for the first half of the time interval, and $-\omega_\mathrm{max}$ for the rest of the time interval. Here, $T_s=0.1$ is the sampling time. The resulting dynamics are,

$$x_{k+1} = x_k + T_s \cos\left(\theta_0 + \sum_{i=1}^{k-1}
\omega_i T_s\right) v_k + \eta^x_k$$

$$y_{k+1} = y_k + T_s \sin\left(\theta_0 + \sum_{i=1}^{k-1}
\omega_i T_s\right) v_k + \eta^y_k$$

where $x,y$ are the positions (state) of the Dubin's vehicle in $\mathrm{x}$- and $\mathrm{y}$- axes, $v_k$ is the velocity of the vehicle (input), $\eta^{(\cdot)}_k$ is the additive Gaussian disturbance affecting the dynamics, and $\theta_0$ is the initial heading direction. We define the disturbance as ${[\eta^x_k\ \eta^y_k]}^\top\sim \mathcal{N}({[0\ 0]}^\top, 0.005 I_2)$.

n_mcarlo_sims = 1e2;                        % Monte-Carlo simulation particles
sampling_time = 0.1;                        % Sampling time
init_heading = pi/10;                       % Initial heading
% Known turning rate sequence
time_horizon = 25;
omega = pi/time_horizon/sampling_time;
half_time_horizon = round(time_horizon/2);
turning_rate = [omega*ones(half_time_horizon,1);
% Input space definition
umax = 10;
input_space = Polyhedron('lb',0,'ub',umax);
% Disturbance matrix and random vector definition
dist_matrix = eye(2);
eta_dist_gauss = RandomVector('Gaussian',zeros(2,1), 1e-3 * eye(2));
% LTV system definition
[sys_gauss, heading_vec] = getDubinsCarLtv('add-dist', turning_rate, ...
    init_heading, sampling_time, input_space, dist_matrix, eta_dist_gauss);
[~,H,~] = sys_gauss.getConcatMats(time_horizon);

Target tube definition

We define the target tube to be a collection of time-varying boxes $\{\mathcal{T}_k\}_{k=0}^N$ where $N$ is the time horizon.

In this problem, we define $\mathcal{T}_k$ to be centered about the nominal trajectory with fixed velocity of $u_\mathrm{max} * 3/2$ (faster than the maximum velocity allowed) and the heading angle sequence with $\pi/2$ removed. The half-length of these boxes decay exponentially with a time constant which is $N/2$.

box_halflength_at_0 = 4;                % Box half-length at t=0
no_of_direction_vectors_ccc = 16;
time_const = 1/2*time_horizon;          % Time constant characterize the
                                        % exponentially decaying box half-length
v_nominal = umax * 2/3;                 % Nominal trajectory's heading velocity
% Construct the nominal trajectory
center_box_X = [zeros(2,1);
                H * (v_nominal * ones(time_horizon,1))];
center_box = reshape(center_box_X,2,[]);

% Target tube definition as well as plotting
target_tube_cell = cell(time_horizon + 1,1); % Vector to store target sets
figure(100);clf;hold on
for itt = 0:time_horizon
    % Define the target set at time itt
    target_tube_cell{itt+1} = Polyhedron(...
        'lb',center_box(:, itt+1) -box_halflength_at_0*exp(- itt/time_const),...
        'ub', center_box(:, itt+1) + box_halflength_at_0*exp(- itt/time_const));
    if itt==0
        % Remember the first the tube
        h_target_tube = plot(target_tube_cell{1},'alpha',0.5,'color','y');
axis equal
h_nominal_traj = scatter(center_box(1,:), center_box(2,:), 50,'ks','filled');
h_vec = [h_target_tube, h_nominal_traj];
legend_cell = {'Target tube', 'Nominal trajectory'};
legend(h_vec, legend_cell, 'Location','EastOutside', 'interpreter','latex');
axis equal
box on;
grid on;
% Target tube definition
target_tube = Tube(target_tube_cell{:});
% Threshold of interest --- Stochastic reach set at this alpha
prob_thresh = 0.8;

Convex chance constrained approach

fprintf('\n\nConvex chance-constrained approach\n\n');
% Set of direction vectors
theta_vector_ccc = linspace(0, 2*pi, no_of_direction_vectors_ccc+1);
theta_vector_ccc = theta_vector_ccc(1:end-1);
set_of_direction_vectors_ccc = [cos(theta_vector_ccc);
timer_polytope_ccc = tic;
opts = SReachSetOptions('term', 'chance-open', 'pwa_accuracy', 1e-3, ...
        'set_of_dir_vecs', set_of_direction_vectors_ccc, ...
        'init_safe_set_affine',Polyhedron(),'verbose', 1);
[ccc_polytope, extra_info] = SReachSet('term','chance-open', sys_gauss, ...
      prob_thresh, target_tube, opts);
elapsed_time_polytope_ccc = toc(timer_polytope_ccc);
fprintf('Time taken for computing the polytope (CCC): %1.3f s\n', ...

Convex chance-constrained approach

Maximum reach probability: 1.00
Computing the polytope via a maximally safe initial state
Analyzing direction :  16/  16
Computing the polytope via the Chebyshev center
Analyzing direction :  16/  16
Time taken for computing the polytope (CCC): 25.715 s

Lagrangian over approximation

fprintf('\n\nLagrangian-based approach for overapproximation\n\nSet options\n');
timer_lagover = tic;
n_dim = sys_gauss.state_dim;
lagover_options = SReachSetOptions('term', 'lag-over', ...
    'bound_set_method', 'ellipsoid', 'verbose', 1, ...
    'compute_style', 'support', 'sys', sys_gauss, 'n_vertices', ...
    2^n_dim * 7 + 2*n_dim);

polytope_lagover = SReachSet('term', 'lag-over', sys_gauss, prob_thresh, ...
    target_tube, lagover_options);
elapsed_time_lagover = toc(timer_lagover);

Lagrangian-based approach for overapproximation

Set options
Spreading 32 unit-length vectors in 2-dim space
Analyzing 7 unit-length vectors in first quadrant
 1. Setting up the CVX problem...
  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |
Solving the CVX problem...done
Status: Solved
Sum of slack: 2.847e-02 (< 1.000e-08)
Change in opt cost: 1.401e-01 (< 1.000e-05)

 2. Setting up the CVX problem...
  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |
Solving the CVX problem...done
Status: Solved
Sum of slack: 4.770e-02 (< 1.000e-08)
Change in opt cost: 2.866e-02 (< 1.000e-05)

 3. Setting up the CVX problem...
  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |
Solving the CVX problem...done
Status: Solved
Sum of slack: 5.012e-02 (< 1.000e-08)
Change in opt cost: 2.559e-03 (< 1.000e-05)

 4. Setting up the CVX problem...
  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |
Solving the CVX problem...done
Status: Solved
Sum of slack: 5.014e-02 (< 1.000e-08)
Change in opt cost: 2.230e-05 (< 1.000e-05)

 5. Setting up the CVX problem...
  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |
Solving the CVX problem...done
Status: Solved
Sum of slack: 5.014e-02 (< 1.000e-08)
Change in opt cost: 2.809e-09 (< 1.000e-05)

 6. Setting up the CVX problem...
  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |
Solving the CVX problem...done
Status: Solved
Sum of slack: 5.014e-02 (< 1.000e-08)
Change in opt cost: 9.471e-09 (< 1.000e-05)

 7. Setting up the CVX problem...
  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |
Solving the CVX problem...done
Status: Solved
Sum of slack: 5.014e-02 (< 1.000e-08)
Change in opt cost: 1.211e-09 (< 1.000e-05)

 8. Setting up the CVX problem...
  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |
Solving the CVX problem...done
Status: Solved
Sum of slack: 5.014e-02 (< 1.000e-08)
Change in opt cost: 1.303e-08 (< 1.000e-05)

 9. Setting up the CVX problem...
  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |
Solving the CVX problem...done
Status: Solved
Sum of slack: 5.014e-02 (< 1.000e-08)
Change in opt cost: 4.355e-09 (< 1.000e-05)

10. Setting up the CVX problem...
  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |
Solving the CVX problem...done
Status: Solved
Sum of slack: 4.496e-02 (< 1.000e-08)
Change in opt cost: 3.328e-04 (< 1.000e-05)

11. Setting up the CVX problem...
  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |
Solving the CVX problem...done
Status: Solved
Sum of slack: 3.710e-02 (< 1.000e-08)
Change in opt cost: 1.117e-03 (< 1.000e-05)

12. Setting up the CVX problem...
  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |
Solving the CVX problem...done
Status: Solved
Sum of slack: 2.977e-12 (< 1.000e-08)
Change in opt cost: 1.329e-01 (< 1.000e-05)

13. Setting up the CVX problem...
  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |
Solving the CVX problem...done
Status: Solved
Sum of slack: 4.101e-11 (< 1.000e-08)
Change in opt cost: 3.859e-03 (< 1.000e-05)

14. Setting up the CVX problem...
  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |
Solving the CVX problem...done
Status: Solved
Sum of slack: 2.625e-12 (< 1.000e-08)
Change in opt cost: 1.613e-04 (< 1.000e-05)

15. Setting up the CVX problem...
  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |
Solving the CVX problem...done
Status: Solved
Sum of slack: 3.546e-11 (< 1.000e-08)
Change in opt cost: 6.136e-07 (< 1.000e-05)

Completed spreading the vectors!
Computing Lagragian over approximation

Evaluating support function:    32/   32

Lagrangian under approximation

fprintf('\n\nLagrangian-based approach for underapproximation\n\n');
timer_lagunder = tic;
lagunder_options = SReachSetOptions('term', 'lag-under', ...
    'bound_set_method', 'ellipsoid', 'compute_style', 'vfmethod', ...
    'vf_enum','lrs', 'verbose', 1);

[polytope_lagunder, extra_info_under] = SReachSet('term', 'lag-under', ...
    sys_gauss, prob_thresh, target_tube, lagunder_options);
elapsed_time_lagunder = toc(timer_lagunder);

fprintf('\n\nProbability threshold requested: %1.2f\n', prob_thresh);
fprintf(['Elapsed time: (chance-open) %1.3f | (lag-under) %1.3f |',...
    ' (lag-over) %1.3f seconds\n'], elapsed_time_polytope_ccc, ...
    elapsed_time_lagunder, elapsed_time_lagover);

Lagrangian-based approach for underapproximation

Computing Lagragian under approximation

Time_horizon: 25
Computation for time step: 24
Computation for time step: 23
Computation for time step: 22
Computation for time step: 21
Computation for time step: 20
Computation for time step: 19
Computation for time step: 18
Computation for time step: 17
Computation for time step: 16
Computation for time step: 15
Computation for time step: 14
Computation for time step: 13
Computation for time step: 12
Computation for time step: 11
Computation for time step: 10
Computation for time step: 9
Computation for time step: 8
Computation for time step: 7
Computation for time step: 6
Computation for time step: 5
Computation for time step: 4
Computation for time step: 3
Computation for time step: 2
Computation for time step: 1
Computation for time step: 0

Probability threshold requested: 0.80
Elapsed time: (chance-open) 25.715 | (lag-under) 0.366 | (lag-over) 57.722 seconds

Testing the controller using a far-away (from target) safe initial

fprintf(['\n\nTesting the controller for some initial point in lag-under ',...
cvx_begin quiet
    variable initial_state(sys_gauss.state_dim, 1)
    minimize ([1 1]*initial_state)
    subject to
        polytope_lagunder.A*initial_state <= polytope_lagunder.b;
        target_tube(1).A*initial_state <= target_tube(1).b;
switch cvx_status
    case 'Solved'
        fprintf('Testing initial state: ');

        % Create a controller based on the underapproximation
        srlcontrol = SReachLagController(sys_gauss, ...
            extra_info_under.bounded_dist_set, ...
        % Generate Monte-Carlo simulations using the srlcontrol and
        % generateMonteCarloSims
        timer_mcarlo = tic;
        [X,U,W] = generateMonteCarloSims(n_mcarlo_sims, sys_gauss, ...
            initial_state, time_horizon, srlcontrol, [], ...
        elapsed_time_mcarlo = toc(timer_mcarlo);
        avg_time_mc = elapsed_time_mcarlo / n_mcarlo_sims;

        % % Plot the convex hull of the spread of the points
        polytopesFromMonteCarloSims(X, 4, [1,2], {'color','k','alpha',0});
        a = gca;
        for tindx = 1:time_horizon-1
            a.Children(tindx).Annotation.LegendInformation.IconDisplayStyle= ...
        a.Children(1).DisplayName = 'Trajectory spread at various time steps';

        % Plot the initial state
        scatter(initial_state(1), initial_state(2), 200, 'ko', 'filled', ...
            'DisplayName','Initial state');

init_state_lag = initial_state;
optimal_mean_trajectory_lag = reshape(sum(X, 2) / size(X, 2), 2, []);

Testing the controller for some initial point in lag-under polytope

Testing initial state:    -1.5154   -1.6927

Getting 100 realizations...Done
Pruning infeasible disturbance trajectories,
when it violates at a particular time instant... Done.
Found 85 feasible disturbance trajectories (~ 0.8500 success probability)
Rearranging realizations...
Analyzing particles:     85/    85

Plot the set

axis_v = axis();
hold on;
legend('Target set at t=0','lag-over', 'chance-open', 'lag-under', ...
for itt = 2:time_horizon
    % Define the target set at time itt
title(sprintf('Stochastic reach sets at \\alpha=%1.2f', prob_thresh));
axis equal
box on;